webgme / webgme-engine

WebGME server and Client API without a GUI
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Add more project management features #93

Open finger563 opened 6 years ago

finger563 commented 6 years ago

Right now webgme is a great tool for integrating into design control procedures (automatic versioning, centralized deployment, authentication, extensibility, etc.) - but it lacks the ability to actually have design control- meaning the ability to track issues / features, have meta-data associated with such issues, milestones, etc.

WebGME should incorporate such features (like some of what github has - related to issues, labels, milestones, and discussions associated with them) and, similar to how it allows the outsourcing of authentication, in the future it should provide that as an API for hooking into systems like Github, JIRA, etc.

This feature request falls in the same vein as https://github.com/webgme/webgme/issues/1589 which is useful for tracking changes to a single object / attribute over the course of the project.

finger563 commented 6 years ago

Then users can make use of the commit squashing to actually tag their commits to a specific feature or issue.

kecso commented 6 years ago

I believe it is a cool idea. To have a more clear view I would ask the followings from you:


finger563 commented 6 years ago
  1. Github is definitely a complete setup that i think it would be worthwhile to replicate (over time) - right now we're incorporating WebGME into our design control process, but we still have to make use of Github and other tools for tracking features, milestones, issues, and having project review / management.
  2. I know Github has integration capability - see slack integration, this blog post about it , and this simple example repo
  3. I agree that the individual history is different, and that this does require different data alongside the webgme project data - I was just saying that meaningful project management also requires the ability to see the revision history for a single object / attribute (bonus points for providing the history for a collection of objects :) )
finger563 commented 6 years ago

and honestly the main reason for allowing the issue tracking and such to be externalized (though we'd probably use webgme's implementation) is so that we can leverage other tools / extensions built on top of them (e.g. all the integrations like slack that incorporate into github, etc.)