webgme / webgme-engine

WebGME server and Client API without a GUI
MIT License
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This is the "engine" of the webgme application and contains all server code, common-modules and client-api. If this is your first encounter with webgme the webgme/webgme is probably what you're looking for.

The webgme-engine was forked off from webgme/webgme at version v2.17.0 and since then is released separately from webgme starting off from v2.18.0.

Most documentation in the webgme/webgme - wiki is still applicable for this repository (all except the GUI specifics).

webgme/webgme uses the engine as a dependency and a repository should only depend on one of these libraries.



Command line interface

All runnable javascript programs are stored in the src/bin directory, you should start them with node from the root directory of the repository, e.g. node src/bin/start_server.js starts the web server. Each script supports the --help or -h command line parameter, which will list all possible parameters.

Repo structure