webhasan / gtm-datalayer-for-shopify

GTM data Layer for Shopify ecommerce
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Ultimate Shopify DataLayer for Google Tag Manager

👉 Contact me for support: info@leomeasure.com

How to use:

  1. Go to theme edit and paste GTM tracking code right after <head> tag in theme.liquid file
  2. Inside the snippets folder create a new file as ultimate-datalayer. Copy all of the code from ultimate-datalayer.liquid of this repository to sinppet file ultimate-datalayer.liquid.
  3. In the theme.liquid file after your GTM tracking code include ultimate-datalayer.liquid file as {% render 'ultimate-datalayer' %}
  4. From shopify admin dashboard go to Settings >> Checkout (Scroll Down) >> Additional scripts. Copy all code from checkout.liquid from this repository to the Additional scripts field. Change the example GTM example tracking ID 000-00000 to the real GTM ID
  5. Depending on your Shopify theme, you might have to make some adjustments. For more information, please refer to the video below.

Events Included!

  1. view_item
  2. view_item_list
  3. select_item
  4. add_to_cart
  5. remove_from_cart
  6. view_cart
  7. view_item_list
  8. begin_checkout
  9. add_to_wishlist
  10. add_payment_info
  11. add_shopping_info
  12. purchase
  13. contact_form_submit
  14. newsletter_signup
  15. search
  16. phone_number_click
  17. email_click
  18. Logged customer and on the checkout page customer details included as customer object with dataLayer
  19. Event Parameters: currency, value, transaction_id, coupon, shipping, vat, items, item_list_name, item_list_id
  20. Items Parameters item_id, item_name, quantity, price, discount, item_brand, item_category, item_variant, sku, item_list_name, item_list_id


With all general event tracking it also tracks following special events

  1. DataLayer event prefix
  2. Quick View Event Tracking (as view_item)
  3. Mini Cart and Dropdown Cart, Cart Drawer Tracking (as view_cart)
  4. Shopify Direct Checkout Tracking ( as add_to_cart & begin_checkout)
  5. Sticky Cart, Sidebar Cart, etc Tracking ( as add_to_cart)
  6. Shopify Ajax Search Tracking ( as search )
  7. Events was tacked by Ajax Response so no data discrepancy for edge cases
  8. No jQuery, no 3rd Party Scripet was included, all code was written ES6 Object Oriented Way. Added proper error handling so that there is no JS error


To test GTM events

  1. Method 1: Open https://tagmanager.google.com/ and add your domain to view all GTM Data layer events inside the GTM debugger interface
  2. Method 2: Right clicking on the page, select "Inspect" and click on "Console". Anytime page is interacted with Shopify website i.e Searching on the website then a datalayer event will log inside the console.

    To test GA4 events

  3. Method 1: Open https://analytics.google.com/ then Admin > Data Display > Debug view. Also Install & enable Google analytics debugger.Now all web events should flow into GA4 debugger.
  4. Method 2: You can use "Network" tab in "inspect" window to filter GA4 request with string "Collect?v=2". Now click on most recent network request and then click on "Payload" to view content of that request that was sent to GA4

For more information, please watch the video below.