webplatform / annotation-service

Hypothes.is’ container project to customize for notes.webplatform.org
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Login using accounts system on IE10+ is slow and/or not working #24

Open renoirb opened 9 years ago

renoirb commented 9 years ago

Separating a problem that was earlier described in #19.

Using Internet Explorer 11, when we login through a popup authentication window, once we given our credentials, the spinner never ends and the window doesn’t close.

required: an account on accounts.webplatform.og.


In this video around 2:00 to 3:00. What is strange is that it can loop endlessly and a simple click (at 2:34) wakes it up.


Problem is intermittent. Sometimes it works right away, sometimes if you click in the window it "wakes up", and sometimes it just never finish the flow.

I’m unsure whether its a bug in the notes-server, or the accounts system. After all, the version of Firefox Accounts we are using at accounts.webplatform.org is 5 months old and was under heavy development back then. It might have been fixed since then.

What makes it hard to debug is that I’m not sure where to look in Internet Explorer debugger tool, and we loose everything as soon as the window closes.

Expected outcome

When I try to login on the annotation system on a spec with Internet Explorer 10+. It should work.



It works well under Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera. I’m not sure why it doesn’t under IE

tilgovi commented 9 years ago

Not a bug in notes-server because that page isn't served by notes-server.

renoirb commented 9 years ago


We still have to make this work. I’m keeping it open regardless of where in the stack the issue is.

renoirb commented 9 years ago

Removed "blocker" label. We will not fix at this moment. Until we can test with latest version of FxA and see with upstream project at Mozilla FxA team if the latest version has the same symptom.

renoirb commented 9 years ago

I opened an issue in FxA Content server, its mozilla/fxa-content-server#1984