webplatform / annotation-service

Hypothes.is’ container project to customize for notes.webplatform.org
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WebPlatform Notes server

Distribution of Hypothes.is annotator system.

First, edit the .ini files to add two settings to the [app:main] section, webplatform.client_id and webplatform.client_secret. These are the OAuth client credentials for the application.

Then, add settigs for api.key and api.secret. The key can be anything and will appear as the agent string in the consumer field of saved annotations. The secret is used to sign API tokens.

Design document: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Projects/SSO/Hypothesis

$ ./bootstrap
$ ./run

To use same environment as in production you can use run script in this way:

source bin/activate;./run --reload --paste production.ini --log-config production.ini

Environment variables

Some configuration options are available in the following files and are generally denoted in the code as os.environ.