webplatform / mediawiki-conversion

Convert MediaWiki XML backup into structured raw text file tree
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Export MediaWiki wiki pages and history into a git repository

Or any set of <page /> with <revision /> stored in an XML file. See required XML schema.

Expected outcome of this script will give you a Git repository with all your history converted into Git commits!

MediaWiki history into Git repository

With idempotent revisions


What does it do?

This project was created while making a migration from MediaWiki of WebPlatform Docs into a set of static files, converted into Markdown, into a Git repository.

Project took about a month of full time work, but the project succeeded.

Desired outcome

What this project helped achieve:

  1. Re-create into a Git repository all edits history made in MediaWiki, and preserve date of contribution and author
  2. Dump every page into text files, organized by their url (e.g. css/properties, css/properties/index.md), without any modifications
  3. Export in separate Git repositories other content namespaces, not part of the main content, but still desired to be part of export (e.g. Meta documentation, User pages, etc.)
  4. Convert every page into HTML using MediaWiki. Not re-inventing a MediaWiki parser. It's too rough!
  5. Cache MediaWiki API HTTP calls responses. Because a small mistake might make you need to run again, and we want to save time.
  6. Generate web server rewrite rules so we can still keep MediaWiki URLs, but serve the right static file
  7. Get to know more about the contributions.
  8. Add to git repository only uploads that are in use in the content. See Exporting file uploads.
  9. Get a list of all broken links on a given page. Because MediaWiki knows which ones are broken in current page, you can export into static site and have them as notes for tidy-up work later.
  10. Get a list of all code sample links.
  11. Keep track of commit author without revealing real email address, e.g. Julia, who has an account on foo.example.org with username "Julia", becomes Julia@foo.example.org committer.
  12. If a contributor wants to reveal his identity in git history, he can add a line in a .mailmap file on the exported git repository

Pain points encountered

There are a few things that may require you to adjust your MediaWiki installation.

While creating this project, the following happened and may happen to you too:

Those made us make a few adjustments in the configuration and patch the SyntaxHighlight_GeSHI extension. See webplatform/mediawiki-conversion#19 issue


Other non use-case things this workspace helps you with.

Note that, parts of the features that are common to a similar content conversion has been factored out into an abstract library webplatform/content-converter.


Every Mediawiki installation is different, there’s no silver bullet.

You can use this as a starting point to extract and convert your own MediaWiki managed site.

But you'll most-likely have to fork this code and adapt to suit your content.

All commands requires a data source. In all cases, except for 3rd pass run, and cache-warmer, commands from this project reads directly without any calls through the Internet.

Commands features:

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but common options available to most commands.

To get full list of available options, refer to the command help (e.g. app/console mediawiki:run --help).


Generates a few reports and helps you craft your own web server redirect map.

app/console mediawiki:summary

Since every MediaWik handles URLs with characters that maps not well to a file system path, you'll have to provide redirects to the new location. See keeping URLs


To speed up run at 3rd pass, the cache-warmer makes an HTTP call to the MediaWiki instance to keep a local copy of Parser API response body.


What if you realize that a page has changes that requires you to edit the content in MediaWiki, or that you had to edit a transclusion template on multiple pages.

You'd want to purge a few pages, but if its too many for you to do it manually, this'll do.

To refresh only specific pages:

If you have more than one data source, you could add the --xml-source= argument too.

app/console mediawiki:refresh-pages --missed --xml-source=dumps/foo.xml

Potential quirks

Work around quirks

Fixing title span

One of the quirks encountered was that some documents were converting into empty files. Even though it had content!

During attempt to solve, we couldn't remove <span> element in title blocks. Instead, we'll use sed!

Run this command in the out/ directory once the importer ran pass 3;

find . -type f -name '*md' -exec sed -E -i "" -e "s:<span>(.*)</span>:\1:" {} \;

While being at it, we also had mention to MSDN erroneously copied over where the links are, in fact, local to the site.

find . -type f -name '*md' -exec sed -E -i "" -e "s:Related\ pages\ \(MSDN\):Related pages:" {} \;


git clone https://github.com/webplatform/mediawiki-conversion.git
cd mediawiki-conversion
composer install


                Walk through MediaWiki dumpBackup XML file, run each
                document and make an API call to an instance we use
                to migrate content out.

                This script is there to speed up `mediawiki:run` at 3rd pass
                so that it doesn’t need to make HTTP requests and work
                only with local files.

                You went through `mediawiki:run` pass 1,2,3 then realized that
                you needed to edit pages, and now you need to clear MediaWiki cache?

                Problem is that there are too many pages to go through?

                That’s what this does.

                This is nothing fancy, let’s emulate we’re a browser and ask as
                an authenticated user to "refresh" the page from standard MediaWiki
                front controller  (i.e. NOT /w/api.php).

                To use:

                    - Login to your wiki
                    - Go to another page on the wiki while logged in
                    - In developer tools, get a to MediaWiki (e.g. /wiki/Main_Page)
                    - Get the value of cookies that ends with (e.g. wpwikiUserID,
                      provided $wgDBname is set to "wpwiki"):
                       - UserID
                       - UserName
                       - _session
                    - Paste the values in `.env`
                    - Use like described in `mediawiki:run`, at 3rd pass

                Walk through MediaWiki dumpBackup XML file and run through revisions
                to convert them into static files.

                Script is designed to run in three passes that has to be run in
                this order.

                1.) Handle deleted pages

                    When a Wiki page is moved, MediaWiki allows to leave a redirect behind.
                    The objective of this pass is to put the former content underneath all history
                    such that this pass leaves an empty output directory but with all the deleted
                    file history kept.

                2.) Handle pages that weren’t deleted in history

                    Write history on top of deleted content. That way we won’t get conflicts between
                    content that got deleted from still current content.

                    Beware; This command can take MORE than an HOUR to complete.

                3.) Convert content

                    Loop through ALL documents that still has content, take latest revision and pass it through
                    a converter.

                Walk through MediaWiki dumpBackup XML file,
                summarize revisions give details about the
                wiki contents.

                - List all pages
                - Which pages are translations
                - Which pages are redirects
                - Number of edits ("Revision") per page
                - Edits average and median

Review your MediaWiki setup

There are a few things that may require you to adjust your MediaWiki installation.

While creating this project, the following happened and may happen to you too:

  1. Templates that ends up creating bogus HTML when you convert into Markdown.
  2. File uploads are on external Swift endpoint, we had to ensure image reference to become local before running import.
  3. Code samples on many services (Dabblet, JSBin, CodePen, etc). Where are they, so we can back them up.
  4. Too many file uploads, only commit ones that are still in use.
  5. Some HTML blocks contains useful data, but would be inuseful to be persisted in raw HTML. How about moving them into the "Front matter" for use in a static site generator.

Gather MediaWiki user data

If you don't want to impact production, you could run a on a separate computer from MediaWiki-Vagrant and import your own database mysqldump into it.

This will create a usable data/users.json that this workbench requires from MediaWiki.

For format details, refer to Users.json Schema.

  1. Make sure the folder mediawiki/ exists side by side with this repository and that you can use the MediaWiki instance.

    mediawiki-conversion/ mediawiki/ // ...

  2. Run app/export_users script.

Notice that the export_users script actually uses MediaWiki's configuration file directly.

Gather MediaWiki XML backup export

This step, like Gater user data, also requires a MediaWiki running installation. You could also prevent impact on production, by running from a on a separate computer from MediaWiki-Vagrant and import your own database mysqldump into it.

This will create an XML file that'll contain all history.

You'll have to know which namespaces your MediaWiki installation has.

php ../mediawiki/maintenance/dumpBackup.php --full --filter=namespace:0,108 > data/dumps/main_full.xml

Notice that the example above runs dumpBackup.php from this project's repository.

After this point, you don't need to run anything else directly against MediaWiki code. Except through HTTP, at mediawiki:run, at 3rd pass.

If you built a temporary MediaWiki-Vagrant, you can delete it now.

Generate reports from exported data

As previously said, MediaWiki isn’t required locally anymore.

Make sure that you have a copy of your data available in a MediaWiki installation running with data, we´ll use the API to get the parser to give us the generated HTML at the 3rd pass.

  1. Configure variables

    Configuration is managed through .env file. You can copy .env.example into .env and adjust with your own details.

    Most important ones are:

    • (required) MEDIAWIKI_API_ORIGIN to match your own MediaWiki installation. This variable is used at run and cache-warmer commands to make HTTP calls
    • (required) COMMITER_ANONYMOUS_DOMAIN to make your contributor email address to Joe@example.org. This is meant to prevent expose history and users, without giving away their real email address.)
    • MEDIAWIKI_USERID your MediaWiki administrator account userid. Required to craft a valid cookie when you run cache-warmer to send ?action=purge requests to MediaWiki.
    • MEDIAWIKI_USERNAME same as above.
    • MEDIAWIKI_WIKINAME name of your database, should be the same value you use in your LocalSettings.php at $wgDBname variable. Required for cookie name.
  2. Get a feel of your data

    Run this command and you’ll know which pages are marked as deleted in history, the redirects, how the files will be called and so on. This gives out a very verbosic output, you may want to send the output to a file.

    This command makes no external requests, it only reads data/users.json (see Gather MediaWiki user data) and the dumpBackup XML file in data/dumps/main_full.xml.

    mkdir reports
    app/console mediawiki:summary > reports/summary.yml

    You can review WebPlatform Docs content summary that was in MediaWiki until 2015-07-28 in reports/ directory of webplatform/mediawiki-conversion repository.

    If you want more details you can use the --display-author switch. The option had been added so we can commit the file without leaking our users email addresses.

    More in Reports below.

  3. Create errors/ directory

    That’s where the script will create file with the index counter number where we couldn’t get MediaWiki API render action to give us HTML output at 3rd pass.

    mkdir errors
  4. Create out/ directory

    That’s where this script will create a new git repository and convert MediaWiki revisions into Git commits

    mkdir out
  5. Review TitleFilter and adapt the rules according to your content

    Refer to Reports, at the URL parts variants report where you may find possible file name conflicts.

  6. Run first pass

    When you delete a document in MediaWiki, you can set a redirect. Instead of writing history of the page at a location that will be deleted we’ll write it at the "redirected" location.

    This command makes no external requests, it only reads data/users.json (from make dumpBackup earlier) and the dumpBackup XML file in data/dumps/main_full.xml.

    app/console mediawiki:run 1

    At the end of the first pass you should end up with an empty out/ directory with all the deleted pages history in a new git repository.

  7. Run second pass

    Run through all history, except deleted documents, and write git commit history.

    This command can take more than one hour to complete. It all depends of the number of wiki pages and revisions.

    app/console mediawiki:run 2
  8. Third pass and caching

    The third pass is the most time consuming step. The importer will make an HTTP request to a MediaWiki endpoint for each wiki page to get HTML.

    To help speed up, you can create a cached copy of the output from MediaWiki Parser API. Each cached copy will be written into out/.cache/0.json where 0 stands for the wiki document id.

    You can "warm up" the cache by doing like this

    app/console mediawiki:cache-warmer

    If you updated a wiki page since a previous mediawiki:cache-warmer or mediawiki:run 3 run, you’ll have to delete the cached file.

    If a cached file doesn’t exist, either cache-warmer or mediawiki:run 3 pass will create another one automatically.

  9. Run third pass

    This is the most time consuming pass. It’ll make a request to retrieve the HTML output of the current latest revision of every wiki page through MediaWiki’s internal Parser API, see MediaWiki Parsing Wikitext.

    In order to save time, the 3rd pass creates a local copy of the contents from the API so that we don’t make HTTP calls to MediaWiki.

    At this pass you can resume-at if your script had been interrupted.

    Also, if your run had errors (see in errors/ folder) you can add the ones you want to be re-run through the data/missed.yml file using --missed argument.

    While the two other pass commits every revision as a single commit, this one is intended to be ONE big commit containing ALL the conversion result.

    Instead of risking to lose terminal feedback you can pipe the output into a log file.

    If you have code blocks, refer to Handle MediaWiki code syntax highlighting

    First time 3rd pass

    app/console mediawiki:run 3 > run.log

    If everything went well, you should see nothing in errors/ folder. If that’s so; you are lucky!

    Tail the progress in a separate terminal tab. Each run has an "index" specified, if you want to resume at a specific point you can just use that index value in --resume-at=n.

    tail -f run.log

    3rd pass had been interrupted

    This can happen if the machine running the process had been suspended, or lost network connectivity. You can resume at any point by specifying the --resume-at=n index it been interrupted.

    app/console mediawiki:run 3 --resume-at=2450 >> run.log

    3rd pass completed, but we had errors

    The most possible scenario.

    Gather a coma separated list of erroneous pages and run only them.

    You’ll need to tell data/missed.yml which documents needs to be re-run. Each entry has to be in the same name as it would be after the import.

    For example. we missed:

    • html/attributes/href_base
    • apis/xhr/methods/open_XDomainRequest

    We would enter them in data/missed.yml like this, and tell mediawiki:run to read from that list.

    # data/missed.yml
    - html/attributes/href_base
    - apis/xhr/methods/open_XDomainRequest

    Then we would run:

    app/console mediawiki:run 3 --missed >> run.log

    If you had missed entries during an import made on content with namespace, you would have to format with the namespace name as a prefix to the entry;

    # data/missed.yml
    - WPD/Wishlist
    - WPD/Stewardship_Committee_Charter

    And run like this (see Import other MediaWiki namespaces below for usage details)

    app/console mediawiki:run 3 --xml-source=dumps/wpd_full.xml --namespace-prefix=WPD --missed >> run.log 2>&1
  10. Run third pass (once more), but import image uploads

    MediaWiki manages uploads. If you are moving out, you might want to import only what your users uploaded that are still in use.

    To import them, you can use, once again 3rd pass, but only for image uploads like so:

    app/console mediawiki:run 3 --only-assets >> run.log 2>&1
  11. Import other MediaWiki namespaces

    Importing other namespaces is also possible. This import script assumes that the main namespace would contain static site generator code while the other namespaces wouldn’t.

    What we want in the end is a clean main content repository that contains other namespaces as if they are folders, but yet are contained in separate git repositories. Git submodule isn’t always desirable, but our present use-case is perfect for that.

    Imagine you have content in your wiki that starts with "WPD:", you would have exported from your current MediaWiki instance the content through dumpBackup script like this

    php maintenance/dumpBackup.php --full --filter=namespace:3000 > ~/wpd_full.xml

    The XML file would look like this;

    <!-- Truncated XML, only to illustrate -->
      <namespace key="3000" case="case-sensitive">WPD</namespace>
      <!-- truncated -->
    <!-- truncated -->
    <!-- more page elements here -->

    Notice the "WPD" and the namespace key="3000" matching. What matters to us here is that you see <title>WPD:...</title>

    Once you have the wpd_full.xml file imported in this repository data/dumps/, you can run the previously explained commands with the following options.

    app/console mediawiki:summary --xml-source=dumps/wpd_full.xml --namespace-prefix=WPD > reports/summary_wpd.yml
    app/console mediawiki:run 1 --xml-source=dumps/wpd_full.xml --namespace-prefix=WPD > run_wpd.log
    app/console mediawiki:run 2 --xml-source=dumps/wpd_full.xml --namespace-prefix=WPD >> run_wpd.log

    At this point we have all contents from the XML edits converted into commits in a new git repository.

    app/console mediawiki:cache-warmer --xml-source=dumps/wpd_full.xml
    app/console mediawiki:run 3 --xml-source=dumps/wpd_full.xml --namespace-prefix=WPD >> run_wpd.log
    app/console mediawiki:run 3 --only-assets --xml-source=dumps/wpd_full.xml --namespace-prefix=WPD >> run_wpd.log

    The difference will be that instead of creating a file as out/content/WPD/Wishlist/index.md, it would create them as out/Wishlist/index.md so we can use that new out/ git repository as a git submodule from the main content repository.


This repository has reports generated during WebPlatform Docs content from MediaWiki migration commited in the reports/ folder. You can overwrite or delete them to leave trace of your own migration. They were commited in this repository to illustrate how this workbench got from the migration.

Directly on root

This report shows wiki documents that are directly on root, it helps to know what are the pages at top level before running the import.

// file reports/directly_on_root.txt
absolute unit
accessibility article ideas
Accessibility basics
Accessibility testing
// ...

Hundred Rev(ision)s

This shows the wiki pages that has more than 100 edits.

// file reports/hundred_revs.txt
tutorials/Web Education Intro (105)
// ...


A summary of the content:

// file reports/numbers.txt
  - iterations: 5079
  - redirects: 404
  - translated: 101
  - "content pages": 4662
  - "not in a directory": 104
  - "redirects for URL sanity": 1217
  - "edits average": 7
  - "edits median": 5


Pages that had been deleted and author asked to redirect.

This will be useful for a webserver 301 redirect map

// file reports/redirects.txt
Redirects (from => to):
 - "sxsw_talk_proposal": "WPD/sxsw_talk_proposal"
 - "css/Properties/color": "css/properties/color"
// ...

Sanity redirects

All pages that had invalid filesystem characters (e.g. :,(,),@) in their URL (e.g. css/atrules/@viewport) to make sure we don’t lose the original URL, but serve the appropriate file.

// file reports/sanity_redirects.txt
URLs to return new Location (from => to):
 - "tutorials/Web Education Intro": "tutorials/Web_Education_Intro"
 - "concepts/programming/about javascript": "concepts/programming/about_javascript"
 - "concepts/accessibility/accessibility basics": "concepts/accessibility/accessibility_basics"
// ...


Shows all pages, the number of revisions, the date and message of the commit.

This report is generated through app/console mediawiki:summary and we redirect output to this file.

# file reports/symmary.yml
"tutorials/Web Education Intro":
  - normalized: tutorials/Web_Education_Intro
  - file: out/content/tutorials/Web_Education_Intro/index.md
  - revs: 105
  - revisions:
    - id: 1
      date: Tue, 29 May 2012 17:37:32 +0000
      message: Edited by MediaWiki default
    - id: 1059
      date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 15:56:45 +0000
      message: Edited by Cmills
# ...

URL all

All URLs sorted (as much as PHP can sort URLs).

// file reports/url_all.txt
absolute unit
accessibility article ideas
Accessibility basics
Accessibility testing
apis/ambient light
// ...

URL parts

A list of all URL components, only unique entries.

If you have collisions due to casing, you should review in url parts variants.

// file reports/url_parts.txt
// ...

URL parts variants

A list of all URL components, showing variants in casing that will create file name conflicts during coversion.

Not all of the entries in "reports/url_parts_variants.md" are problematic, you’ll have to review all your URLs and adapt your own copy of TitleFilter, see WebPlatform/Importer/Filter/TitleFilter class.

More about this at Possible file name conflicts due to casing inconsistency

// file reports/url_parts_variants.txt
All words that exists in an URL, and the different ways they are written (needs harmonizing!):
 - css, CSS
 - canvas_tutorial, Canvas_tutorial
 - The_History_of_the_Web, The_history_of_the_Web, the_history_of_the_web
// ...

Beware of the false positives. In the example above, we might have "css" in many parts of the URL, we can’t just rewrite for EVERY cases. In this case, you’ll notice in TitleFilter class that we rewrite explicitly in the following format 'css\/cssom\/styleSheet';, 'css\/selectors';, etc.

You’ll have to adapt TitleFilter to suit your own content.

NGINX Redirects

What will be the NGINX redirects.

This will most likely need tampering to suit your own project specifities.

// file reports/nginx_redirects.map
rewrite ^/wiki/css/selectors/pseudo-elements/\:\:after$ /css/selectors/pseudo-elements/after permanent;
rewrite ^/wiki/css/selectors/pseudo-classes/\:lang\(c\)$ /css/selectors/pseudo-classes/lang permanent;
rewrite ^/wiki/css/selectors/pseudo-classes/\:nth-child\(n\)$ /css/selectors/pseudo-classes/nth-child permanent;
rewrite ^/wiki/css/functions/skew\(\)$ /css/functions/skew permanent;
rewrite ^/wiki/html/attributes/background(\ |_)\(Body(\ |_)element\)$ /html/attributes/background_Body_element permanent;
// ...

Successful imports

Here’s a list of repository that were created through this workspace.

Design decisions

Handle MediaWiki code Syntax Highlighting

# File mediawiki/extensions/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi/SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi.class.php, around line: 63
# Right after the following line
$lang = strtolower( $lang );

// webplatform/mediawiki-conversion superseed GeSHi Syntax Highlight output
$lang = str_replace(['markup', 'html5'], 'html', $lang);
$lang = str_replace(['javascript', 'script'], 'js', $lang);
return sprintf("\n<pre class=\"language-%s\">\n%s\n</pre>\n", $lang, $text);

Possible file name conflicts due to casing inconsistency

Conflicts can be caused to folders being created with different casing.

For example, consider the following and notice how we may get capital letters and others wouldn’t:

This conversion workbench is about creating files and folders, the list of titles above would therefore become;

  - Internet_and_Web/
    - The_History_of_the_Web/
      - index.html
    - the_history_of_the_web/
      - es.html
      - ja.html
  - canvas/
    - canvas_tutorial/
      - index.html
    - Canvas_tutorial/
      - Applying_styles_and_colors/
        - index.html

Notice that we would have at the same directory level with two folders with almost the same name but with different casing patterns.

This is what TitleFilter class is for.


Two files are required to run the workbench;

XML Schema

MediaWiki maintenance/dumpBackup script (see manual, export manual and xsd definition) has the following XML schema but this script isn’t requiring MediaWiki at all.

In other words, if you can get an XML file with the same schema you can also use this script without changes.

Here are the essential pieces that this script expects along with notes about where they matter in the context of this workbench.

Notice the <contributor /> XML node, you’ll have to make sure you also have same values in data/users.json, see [users.json][#usersjson-schema].

  <!-- The page XML node will be manipulated via the WebPlatform\ContentConverter\Model\MediaWikiDocument class -->
    <!-- The URL of the page. This should be the exact string your CMS supports -->
    <title>tutorials/Web Education Intro</title>
    <!-- id isn’t essential, but we use it because it helps assess how the run is going -->
    <!-- The revision XML node will be manipulated via the WebPlatform\ContentConverter\Model\MediaWikiRevision class -->
      <!-- same as the page id note above -->
      <!-- format is in explicit "Zulu" Time.  -->
      <!-- To import this value in PHP, script does it like this:
           $date = new \DateTime($timestamp, new \DateTimeZone('Etc/UTC'))); -->
      <!-- contributor XML node requires both username and id pair. The values must match in data/users.json -->
        <!-- id must be an integer. This workbench will typecast this node into an integer. -->
      <!-- comment can be any string you want. The commit message will strip off space, HTML code, and and new lines -->
      <comment>Some optionnal edit comment</comment>
      <!-- The page content at that revision. Format isn’t important -->
      <text xml:space="preserve">Some '''text''' to import</text>
    <!-- more revision goes here -->
  <!-- more page nodes goes here -->

Users.json Schema

The origin of the data isn’t important but you have to make sure that it matches with values in XML schema:

As for the email address, it isn’t required because we’ll create a git committer ID concatenating the value of "user_name" AND the value you would set in lib/mediawiki.php at the COMMITER_ANONYMOUS_DOMAIN constant (e.g. COMMITER_ANONYMOUS_DOMAIN is set to "docs.webplatform.org", commit author and commiter will be Jdoe@docs.webplatform.org).

     "user_email": "jdoe@example.org"
    ,"user_id": "11"
    ,"user_name": "Jdoe"
    ,"user_real_name": "John H. Doe"
    ,"user_email_authenticated": null


The following projects are used in this workspace.