webplatform / ops

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Discuss prepare migration and adjust settings #152

Closed renoirb closed 9 years ago

renoirb commented 9 years ago

This is the parent task about migrating Specifiction Discourse installation into WebPlatform infrastructure.

Estimated steps

Please do not use this forum just yet. While we plan to migrate discourse.specifiction.org into discuss.webplatform.org, the migration isn’t completed yet. Any content you write here WILL be overwritten.


  • Sub tasks
  • webplatform/ops#161 so when a user sends an email to reply to a thred, email gets converted into a reply
  • webplatform/ops#154 setup backups into DreamObjects S3 bucket
  • webplatform/ops#163 get real IP Address behind Fastly

    Time estimate

  • Spent: 16h (so far)

    Work notes

This should complete what’s noted in commit webplatform/www.webplatform.org@a548a5fa61e6b18b96a1790fb9a817a97fa02f4a

In Preferences -> Admin -> Settings:

In Preferences -> Admin -> Customize:

renoirb commented 9 years ago

Here is some preliminary notes on how one can restore a Discourse instance and change the domain name. Notes will be cleaned up later.

Roughly based on Move your Discourse instance to a different server post. But without using the web UI. Because sysadmins prefers terminal.

IMPORTANT: Make SURE the backup dump was generated from the same Discourse version the one you’ll import it into.

Copy from host backup into shared folder. Imagine you uploaded via SSH in your host home directory.

cp ~/snapshot.tar.gz /srv/webplatform/shared/backups/

Note that the folder /srv/webplatform/discuss/shared/standalone/backups/ from the docker host would end up to be in /shared/backups/ inside the container.

Enter the VM, make sure enable_restore is run from discourse cli utility

./launcher enter app
discourse enable_restore

Find the mounted backup file from within the container

ll /shared/backups/default/

Make sure /shared/backups/foo.tar.gz is readable by can read

chmod o+r /shared/backups/default/foo.tar.gz
discourse restore foo.tar.gz
discourse disable_restore

Remap domain name

discourse remap discourse.specifiction.org discuss.webplatform.org

Then, work on user uploads and regenerate assets. That’ll make sure ;

rake uploads:clean_up
rake posts:rebake

Refer to

renoirb commented 9 years ago

@darobin here are the notes on how to make the customizations.

I wonder, at the footer, should we change the @specifiction Twitter handle to @WebPlatform?

CC @shepazu

renoirb commented 9 years ago

Sorry for double post; update I created accounts using WebPlatform accounts, where it was possible.

What’s missing:

"Apps" account owner relationships;

/cc @shepazu @darobin

renoirb commented 9 years ago

Dropping the ball, discourse.wicg.io has been put in place.