webplatform / ops

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WebPlatform Infrastructure workbench

This repository contains tools to help maintain our infrastructure.

If you want to get quick access to operations related links, you are invited to use the Operations start page as a start page for your browser.

Operations start page

A static page linking to various tools for infrastructure work.

Access the Operations start page

Kanban dashboard

Infrastructure work items are hosted in this repository issue tracker, you can visualize their status and how they relate to each other.

Issues are displayed in a 4 columns table, each column describe the issue’s status:

Here is a screenshot of how it looks like.

Screenshot of WebPlatform’s Kanban board

Each column content can be hidden to reduce visual noise by clicking on the minus symbol at the top

Access the Kanban dashboard

Building a salt master

The main component of WebPlatform infrastructure is a VM called salt answering from salt.webplatform.org which is used as a server to launch every maintenance task and also as a SSH jump box.

While the salt master is the most important component of WebPlatform’s infrastructure, the server is made in a way that we lose the server at any time and still be able to build a new one from scratch.

In order to achieve this, we scattered in specialized git repositories every bits and pieces that runs the system.

For more detail, refer to The Salt Master document in WebPlatform’s docs pages.

The salt-master folder of this repository contains the scripts to create it.

Review the salt-master code

Vagrant Workbench; a salt master state development sandbox

Our salt-states scripts supports deployment of the site without taking into account the live site.

While it spossible to work on any component of the site from the salt master, its preferable to be able to work on configuration scripts without any possibility to impact the live site.

Ideally, we should do development work either a staging environment (i.e. webplatformstaging.org) on an OpenStack project, or from a Vagrant VM.

The vagrant workbench AND vagrant minions allows you work on salt states within a set of Vagrant VMs.

With both repositories you get everything you need to have your own salt master, and an utility to add minions by editing entries in minions.yml.

Review the vagrant-workbench and vagrant-minions sub-projects.