webr3 / js3

An insane integration of RDF in to ECMAScript-262 V5 (Javascript)
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JS3 - An insane integration of RDF in ECMAScript-262 V5 (Javascript)

In short, with this library, all your javascript is also RDF, there are no special types or classes, each variable and value is also an RDF Node, List or Graph.

All values are both the standard javascript values you expect (no extension or suchlike), and are the RDF types you expect


This library doesn't inspect objects and then generate RDF, rather each value is RDF, and javascript:

true.toNT();         // "true"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean>
(12 * 1.4).toNT();   // "12.3"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal>

Here's a complicated yet simple example to illustrate, this is just a standard Object in js:

var me = {
  a: 'foaf:Person',                                         // a String, a CURIE and a full IRI
  name: 'Nathan',                                           // a String, and an RDF Plain Literal
  age: new Date().getFullYear() - 1981,                     // a Number, and a Typed Literal with the type xsd:integer
  homepage: 'http://webr3.org',                             // a String, and an IRI, 
  holdsAccount: {                                           // an Object, with a BlankNode reference for the .id
    label: "Nathan's twitter account".l('en'),              // a String, and a Literal with a .language
    accountName: 'webr3',                                   // noticed that you don't need the prefixes yet?
    homepage: 'http://twitter.com/webr3'          
  knows: bob,                                               // works with variables too of course
  nick: ['webr3','nath']                                    // an Array, also a list of values, like in turtle and n3
}.ref(":me");                                               // still an Object, but also has a .id now, it's subject is set.

If we now call me.n3() we'll get the following output:

<http://webr3.org/nathan#me> rdf:type foaf:Person;
  foaf:name "Nathan";
  foaf:age 29;
  foaf:homepage <http://webr3.org>;
  foaf:holdsAccount [
    rdfs:label "Nathan's twitter account"@en;
    foaf:accountName "webr3";
    foaf:homepage <http://twitter.com/webr3> ];
  foaf:knows <http://example.com/bob#me>;
  foaf:nick "webr3", "nath" .

It's just that simple, your javascript is your RDF, it's just plain old javascript:

me.gender = "male";                   // .gender will resolve to foaf:gender to http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/gender 
if(me.age > 18) return true;          // it's all native values, just use like normal!

Implementation Notice

This library requires ECMAScript-262 V5, specifically it makes heavy usage of Object.defineProperties.

You can check the compatibility chart to see if your platform / browser supports it. The short version is that chrome 5+, ff4, webkit (safari) and ie9 all support this script, and on the server side node.js, rhino and besen are all fine.

Objects and values are not modified in the usual manner and they are not converted in to different types, rather this library automagically redefines the property descriptors on objects to allow each value to be both a native javascript value, and an RDF compatible value.

Nodes & Values

All values of type string, number, boolean and date are also RDF Nodes, and are fully aligned (and compatible) with the Interfaces from the RDFa API.

Standard Methods

All of the basic js types (string, number, boolean and date) are augmented with the following methods:

String Methods

A string can represent any of the RDF Node types, PlainLiteral (+language), TypedLiteral, BlankNode or IRI. In js3 string exposes the following methods (in addition to the standard methods outlined above):

Remember, all javascript values and types remain unchanged, so it's entirely backwards compatible with all existing data, and will not modify any js values, "Hello World".l('en') is still a String, properties like .language and .type are non-enumerable, so they won't show up in for loops or when you JSON.stringify the values. You cannot implement this library in non v5 ecmascript by simply adding a .language property to the String object, that simply won't work.


js3 is fully aware of number types, it knows when a number is an integer, a double or a decimal.

12 .toNT()                            // "12"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer>
12.1 .toNT()                          // "12.1"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal>
1267.43233E32 .toNT()                 // "1.26743233e+35"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double>

Gotcha: do note that you need to add a space between the number and the .method, or wrap the number in braces (12.1).toNT(), since js expects any integer followed immediately by a period to be a decimal, like 12.145 - this only applies to hard coded in the source-code numbers, and not those in variables or returned from functions, so generally isn't noticable, in the same way that you don't normally write 12.toString()!

Arrays and Lists

JS3 uses arrays for both lists of objects in property-object chains { name: ['nathan','nath'] } and as rdf Lists.

You can determine whether an array is a list or not by inspecting the boolean property .list on any array. To specify that an array is a list you simply call .toList() on it.

Array Methods and Properties

Note that there are no .toNT or .nodeType methods, or related, arrays and lists are not RDF Nodes.

Objects and Descriptions

In js3 each Object is by default just an Object with a single additional method exposed .ref(). When you call this method the object is RDF enabled, whereby it is set to denote the description of something - identified by a blanknode or an IRI - the keys (properties) are mapped to RDF Properties, a .id attribute is exposed on the object, and four methods are also exposed: .n3(), .toNT(), .using() and .graphify().

The Basics

It's all really simple tbh, the properties on each object can either be:

Each value can be a single value (of any type covered), or an array of values (which might be a list), or an object (which can be named with an IRI or a blanknode identifier).

And thus, just like normal javascript or JSON you can make an object structure as simple or as complicated as you like.

Objects can also have methods on them, and these are stripped from any output, so any existing object whether dumb or a full class with properties can be used.

They're just javascript objects with a .id set on them (non-enumerable and read-only), and where the properties are mapped to RDF properties. So, each object can be seen to describe one thing, one subject, the .id is the subject. To set the .id all you do is call .ref() on the object, if you pass in a CURIE or an IRI as a param then that is set as the subject/.id, if you call .ref() with no argument then it is given a blanknode identifier as the .id.

The methods exposed after .ref'ing are also simple, .n3 dumps an n3 string of the object, .toNT dumps it out as ntriples, and .graphify gives you back an RDFGraph from the RDFa API, making it completely compatible and exposing all the functionality of my rdfa-api library (and other compatible implementations of the RDFa API).

.using() is a bit more subtle, you can throw in the names of ontologies which properties your using come from, in order to provide an unambiguous mapping, for instance:

var article = {
  description: "A dc11:, not dc:, description",
  label: "An rdfs:label"

If you don't pass in any names, then they are mapped up on a first-hit-first-used basis. This is covered more in the section about propertymap and curiemap.

Syntax, Variables and References

There is no special syntax, and variables + references are part of javascript, so they "just work". which means you can do things like this:

article.maker = me;
me.made = article;
article.maker.knows = bob;     // the same as me.knows
article.created = new Date();
{ a: 'foaf:Document', primaryTopicOf: article }.ref(':this').graphify().turtle();

Because we referenced article by value then it'll be in the output graph too, we could use article.id instead then it won't be included.

You can also have X many Objects with the same .id, then when you .graphify them they all get smashed together as one - which is nice.

As for migrating IRIs or renaming subjects, that's as simple as calling .ref(':newid') on any object, no complex rdf replace routines needed.

Data Structures

When Objects are nested, they are by default considered to be blanknodes, however!, you can of course call .ref() on them in place, and thus describe things in context, and name them there too.

So in this case the object in holdsAccount will be a blanknode:

var me = {
  name: 'Nathan',
  holdsAccount: {
    label: "Nathan's twitter account".l('en'),
    accountName: 'webr3',
    homepage: 'http://twitter.com/webr3'          

But in this case it'll have it's own IRI:

var me = {
  name: 'Nathan',
  holdsAccount: {
    label: "Nathan's twitter account".l('en'),
    accountName: 'webr3',
    homepage: 'http://twitter.com/webr3'          
  }.ref(':twitter'),                                        // here's where we named it

... of course we can code this however we want to get the same results, for example:

var me = { name: 'Nathan' }.ref(":me");
var account = { accountName: 'webr3' };
account.label = "Nathan's twitter account";
me.holdsAccount = account;
me.holdsAccount.foaf$homepage = "twitter:webr3".resolve();

... or create structures just as complex as we like:

{ deep: [
  [1, 2.745, [me,bob,"x:mary"].toList(), new Date(), bob].toList(),
  [bob.id, me.id].toList(), { foo: "bar" }

... and interact with our data however we want:

var somedata = {
  values: [1,10,25,50].toList(),
  created: new Date()
with(Math) {
  somedata.result = somedata.values.map(sqrt).reduce(function(p,c) { return max(p,c) });

... and then call .n3():

  dc:created "2010-11-20T21:06:42Z"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime>;
  seq:values ( 1 10 25 50 );
  seq:result 7.0710678118654755 .

It's all very flexible - as you can see as we just map reduced an RDF List and updated a graph in one line :)

Object Methods and Properties - after .ref()'ing

js3.curiemap and js3.propertymap

js3.curiemap is a simple object which maps prefixes to IRIs.

js3.propertymap is a simple object which makes the lib aware of properties in ontologies.

note: the value must always be an array.

Do see the wiki page on .using() js3.propertymap for more details.


A simple method which can accept any number of objects, or an array of objects, and will return back an RDFGraph.

Coming Soon

Probably much more..


All feedback, bugs etc via issues here, or, well you can get all my details from my FOAF profile using this lib if you like ;)