webrecorder / warcit

Convert Directories, Files and ZIP Files to Web Archives (WARC)
Apache License 2.0
80 stars 13 forks source link


warcit is a command-line tool to convert on-disk directories of web documents (commonly HTML, web assets and any other data files) into an ISO standard web archive (WARC) files.

Conversion to WARC file allows for improved durability in a standardized format, and allows for any web files stored on disk to be uploaded into Webrecorder <https://github.com/webrecorder/webrecorder>, or replayed locally with Webrecorder Player <https://github.com/webrecorder/webrecorderplayer-electron/releases> or pywb <https://github.com/ikreymer/pywb>_

(Many other tools also operate on WARC files, see: Awesome Web Archiving -- Tools and Software <https://github.com/iipc/awesome-web-archiving#tools--software>_)

WARCIT supports converting individual files, directories (including any nested directories) as well as ZIP files into WARCs.

Basic Usage

warcit <prefix> <dir or file> ...

See warcit -h for a complete list of flags and options.

For example, the following example will download a simple web site via wget (for simplicity, this retrieves one level deep only), then use warcit to convert to www.iana.org.warc.gz::

wget -l 1 -r www.iana.org/ warcit http://www.iana.org/ ./www.iana.org/

The WARC www.iana.org.warc.gz should now have been created!

Mime Type Detection and Overrides

By default, ``warcit`` supports the the default Python ``mimetypes`` library to determine a mime type based on a file extension.

However, it also supports using `python-magic <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-magic>`_ (libmagic) if available and custom mime overrides configured via the command line.

The mime detection is as follows:

1) If the filename matches an override specified via ``--mime-overrides``, use that as the mime type.

2) If ``mimetypes.guess_type()`` returns a valid mime type, use that as the mime type.

3) If ``--use-magic`` flag is specified, use the ``magic`` api to determine mime type (``warcit`` will error if ``magic`` is not available when using this flag).

4) Default to ``text/html`` if all previous attempts did not yield a mime type.

The ``--mime-overrides`` flag can be used to specify wildcard query (applied to the full url) and corresponding mime types as a comma-delimeted property list::

  warcit '--mime-overrides=*.html=text/html; charset="utf-8",image.ico=image/png' http://www.iana.org/ ./www.iana.org/

When a url ending in ``*.html`` or ``*.ico`` is encountered, the specified mime type will be used for the ``Content-Type`` header, by passing any auto-detection.

Charset Detection

Charset detection is disabled by default, but can be enabled with the --charset auto flag.

Detection is done using the cchardet <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cchardet/2.1.1>_ native chardet library.

A specific charset can also be specified, eg. --charset utf-8 will add ; charset=utf-8 to all text/* resources.

If detection does not produce a result, or if the result is ascii, no charset is added to the Content-Type.

ZIP Files

``warcit`` also supports converting ZIP files to WARCs, including portions of zip files.

For example, if a zip file contains::

  +-- www.example.com/
  +-- another.example.com/
  +-- some_other_data/

It is possible to specify the two paths in the zip file to be converted to a WARC separately::

  warcit --name my-warc.gz http:// my_zip_file.zip/www.example.com/ my_zip_file.zip/another.example.com/

This should result in a new WARC ``my-warc.gz`` converting the specified zip file paths. The ``some_other_data`` path is not processed.

WARC Structure and Format

The tool produces ISO standard WARC 1.0 files.

A ``warcinfo`` record is added at the beginning of the WARC, unless the ``--no-warcinfo`` flag is specified.

The warcinfo record contains the full command line and warcit version::

  WARC-Type: warcinfo
  WARC-Record-ID: ...
  WARC-Filename: example.com.warc.gz
  WARC-Date: 2017-12-05T18:30:58Z
  Content-Type: application/warc-fields
  Content-Length: ...

  software: warcit 0.2.0
  format: WARC File Format 1.0
  cmdline: warcit --fixed-dt 2011-02 http://example.com/ ./path/to/somefile.html

Each file specified or found in the directory is stored as a WARC ``resource`` record.

By default, warcit uses the file-modified date as the ``WARC-Date`` of each url.
This setting can be overriden with a fixed date time by specifying the ``--fixed-dt`` flag.
The datetime can be specified as ``--fixed-dt YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss`` or ``--fixed-dt YYYYMMDDHHmmss`` or partial date,
eg. ``--fixed-dt YYYY-MM``

The actual WARC creation time and path to the source file on disk are also stored, using the ``WARC-Creation-Date``
and ``WARC-Source-URI`` extension headers, respectively.

For example, if when running ``warcit --fixed-dt 2011-02 http://example.com/ ./path/to/somefile.html``, the resulting WARC Record might look as follows::

  WARC-Date: 2011-02-01T00:00:00Z
  WARC-Creation-Date: 2017-12-05T18:30:58Z
  WARC-Source-URI: file://./path/to/somefile.html
  WARC-Type: resource
  WARC-Record-ID: ...
  WARC-Target-URI: http://www.example.com/to/somefile.html
  Content-Type: text/html
  Content-Length ...


Additionally, warcit adds ``revisit`` records for top-level directories if index files are present.
Index files can be specified via the ``--index-files`` flag, the default being ``--index-files=index.html,index.htm``

For example, when running:
``warcit http://example.com/ ./path/`` and there exists a file: ``./path/subdir/index.html``, warcit will create:

- a ``resource`` record for ``http://example.com/path/subdir/index.html``

- a ``revisit`` record for ``http://example.com/path/subdir/`` pointing to ``http://example.com/path/subdir/index.html``

WARC Video Conversions and Embeds Manifest

With warcit 0.4.0, warcit also includes ``warcit-converter`` and the ability to 
use ``ffmpeg`` to generate video/audio conversions, store them as conversion records and generate a manifest.

See `WARCIT Media Conversions and Transclusions <conversions-and-transclusions.md>`_ for more details on how to convert video/audio, create WARC
records and metadata to support replay of converted media.