websavers / centos2alma_openvz

A CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 conversion utility for OpenVZ / Virtuozzo containers running Plesk
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Preparation / Requirements

PHP <7.1: This script does have some code to switch sites to PHP version 7.1 or higher (which is required for AlmaLinux 8), however the reliability of that switch hasn't been confirmed. Plus most should manually check to ensure the sites are compatible, so it is recommended that you switch all sites using PHP 5.x and 7.0 to PHP 7.1 or higher prior to conversion. If you're using 3rd party PHP versions of 7.0 or lower, you'll likely need to reinstall those after, then switch the sites back manually.

OpenVZ <7.0.21: We tested this only with the latest release of OpenVZ, version 7.0.21. Some have reported issues with almaconvert8 encountering odd issues during conversion that are likely a result of converting using an earlier release of OpenVZ. We recommend updating all packages manually on both the node and the container prior to conversion.

In Virtuozzo versioning this equates to Hybrid Server 7.5 Update 6 Hotfix 1 (Version 7.5.6-112). Improvements were made to almaconvert8 with that version. Details here: https://docs.virtuozzo.com/virtuozzo_advisory_archive/virtuozzo-hybrid-server/VZA-2024-010.html


Check to be sure the container is recognized as convertible by almaconvert8: ./centos2alma_openvz.sh <CTID> --check

If all is well, begin conversion: ./centos2alma_openvz.sh <CTID>

During the run of almaconvert8 you will probably see the following warnings. Ones about Plesk repos can be safely ignored:

Warning! Unsupported repositories detected

Logs from almaconvert8 will be stored in /root/almaconvert8-$CTID.log

After Conversion

The following sections are actions you might wish to take after conversion.

Re-enable IP Address Banning / Fail2ban?

If you had it enabled prior to conversion, you should re-enable it now: systemctl restart fail2ban

Removing snapshots after successful conversion

IMPORTANT: Once you have confirmed the conversion has been successul and you do not need to reset to the CentOS 7 snapshot, run these commands to delete the snapshots created by this process:

vzctl snapshot-list $CTID
# You probably need to do this part twice:
vzctl snapshot-delete $CTID --id $SNAP_ID

Old Packages

You may also wish to remove old centos7 packages within the container. Here's some we found:

yum remove python-inotify python-dateutil pyxattr pyparsing alt-nghttp2 yum-metadata-parser python-gobject-base python-kitchen python-ply mozjs17 python-pycurl python-urlgrabber dbus-python python-iniparse python-enum34 python-decorator python-IPy pyliblzma pygpgme nginx-filesystem

You can run the following to see ones you have installed still:

rpm -qa | grep el7

Note: anything that says el7_9 is used in versions 7 through 9 and should probably remain

Using SolusVM?

For those using SolusVM, run these on your master to update the OS name. Be sure to replace HOSTNAME with the actual hostname of the container.

bash /root/solusvmdb.sh
update vservers set templatename="almalinux-8-x86_64-ez" where hostname="HOSTNAME";

Using WHMCS?

For those using WHMCS, you will want to adjust the OS template configurable option there as well.

Conversion Failure? Revert to snapshot

In the event of failure, there are two snapshots you can revert to:

  1. The first is taken before any changes are made at all, and
  2. The second is taken by the almaconvert8 utility after conflicting packages are removed, but before the actual conversion occurs.

To revert to the first/earliest snapshot, simply run: ./centos2alma_openvz.sh $CTID --revert

IMPORTANT: this will delete all snapshots after successful reversion.

If you wish to avoid deletion of the snapshots, please use the steps below to manually switch to the snapshot of choice.

To revert to the second one, run this to get their IDs:

vzctl snapshot-list $CTID

Run this to save the ID of the snapshot you want to restore to: SNAP_ID=put_snapshot_id_here

Then switch to that snapshot and start the container:

vzctl snapshot-switch $CTID --id $SNAP_ID --skip-resume
vzctl start $CTID

Once you have confirmed the container is back to the original state, delete the snapshot: vzctl snapshot-delete $CTID --id $SNAP_ID


If Germany is blocked by your firewall rules, the almalinux GPG key will fail to download.

You can run each stage of this separately, so if any one part fails, you can re-run just that stage or start from the next if you've fixed the issue manually. Here are the stages:

Check if the almaconvert8 utility says it can be converted:

./centos2alma_openvz.sh <CTID> --check

Snapshot and remove conflicting packages like Plesk and MariaDB:

./centos2alma_openvz.sh <CTID> --prepare

Run almaconvert8 (also creates a snapshot of its own):

./centos2alma_openvz.sh <CTID> --convert

After conversion, reinstall MariaDB and Plesk packages and restore configurations:

./centos2alma_openvz.sh <CTID> --finish
