websemantics / timetable-module

Manage time or it will take over your life. Fight back with timely organized events/actions nicely presented in a Calendar, voila!
1 stars 1 forks source link
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Manage time or it will take over your life. Fight back with timely organized events/actions nicely presented in a Calendar.

Getting Started

The main purpose of this module is to demonstrate the custom Calendar view Pyro TableBuilder. It is work in progress so expect things to change radically.

To install,

1- Clone this repo inside your project at app/addons/default/websemantics/timetable-module,

git clone https://github.com/websemantics/timetable-module

2- Install the module

php artisan module:install websemantics.module.timetable-module

Calendar View


MIT license Copyright (c) Web Semantics, Inc.