webtorrent / string2compact

Convert 'hostname:port' strings to BitTorrent's compact ip/host binary returned by Trackers
MIT License
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Convert 'hostname:port' strings to BitTorrent's compact ip/host binary returned by Trackers

This module is the opposite of compact2string. It works in the browser with browserify. It is used by WebTorrent, and more specifically, the bittorrent-tracker and bittorrent-dht modules.


npm install string2compact


single string2compact

var string2compact = require('string2compact')
var compact = string2compact('')
console.log(compact) // new Buffer('0A0A0A05FF80', 'hex')

tranform multiple into one buffer

var compacts = string2compact([ '', '' ])
console.log(compacts) // new Buffer('0A0A0A05008064383a636f6d', 'hex')


MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh and WebTorrent, LLC.