webvitalii / page-list

WordPress plugin which provides shortcodes to show list of pages.
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wordpress wordpress-plugin

=== Page-list === Contributors: webvitaly Donate link: http://web-profile.net/donate/ Tags: page-list, pagelist, sitemap, subpages, siblings Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 5.7 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

[pagelist], [subpages], [siblings] and [pagelist_ext] shortcodes

== Description ==

= shortcodes: =

= examples with aditional parameters: =

== Other Notes ==

= Parameters for [pagelist], [subpages] and [siblings]: =

More info about params for [pagelist], [subpages], [siblings].

= Parameters for [pagelist_ext]: =

More info about params for [pagelist_ext].

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How to show the list of posts? =

To show list of posts you can use List Category Posts plugin.

= On what functions shortcodes are based? =

Shortcodes [pagelist], [subpages], [siblings] are based on wp_list_pages() function. Shortcode [pagelist_ext] is based on get_pages() function.

= What is the difference between [pagelist], [subpages] and [siblings]? =

Shortcodes [pagelist], [subpages] and [siblings] accept the same parameters. The only difference is that [subpages] and [siblings] not accept child_of parameter, because [subpages] shows subpages to the current page and [siblings] shows subpages to the parent page.

= How to create sitemap.xml? = To create sitemap.xml you can use Google XML Sitemaps plugin.

= Is there "more-link" feature in the plugin? = No, there is no "more-link" feature in the plugin. Because "more-link":

= What to do if you need to change the plugin's code? = When you changed the plugin's code you should also change the plugin's version to '100' (for example) to avoid updates, which could override and delete your code.

== Screenshots ==

  1. [pagelist] shortcode
  2. [pagelist_ext] shortcode

== Changelog ==

= 5.7 =

= 5.6 =

= 5.5 =

= 5.4 =

= 5.3 =

= 5.2 =

= 5.1 =

= 5.0 =

= 4.3 =

= 4.2 =

= 4.1 =

= 4.0 =

= 3.8 =

= 3.7 =

= 3.6 =

= 3.5 =

= 3.4 =

= 3.3 =

= 3.2 =

= 3.1 =

= 3.0 =

= 2.9 =

= 2.8 =

= 2.7 =

= 2.6 =

= 2.5 =

= 2.4 =

= 2.3 =

= 2.2 =

= 2.1 =

= 2.0 =

= 1.9 =

= 1.8 =

= 1.7 =

= 1.6 =

= 1.5 =

= 1.4 =

= 1.3.0 =

= 1.2.0 =

= 1.0.0 =

== Installation ==

  1. install and activate the plugin on the Plugins page
  2. add shortcodes to pages: [pagelist], [subpages], [siblings], [pagelist_ext]