webx-net / webx

A DSL and framework for hypermedia driven web backends, and REST APIs
6 stars 1 forks source link
api api-rest backend dsl framework language technology webserver

Web X

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This is the official repository for the WebX web server project. A framework for building minimal but powerful web app backends, REST APIs, and hypermedia systems using a HTML first approach.\ ▸ Get started or read more about the project below.

⚠️ WebX is still in early development and not ready for production use.

Features & Roadmap

Below is a high-level overview of the existing (implemented) and planned features of the WebX technology (in no particular order).

[^1]: BLAZING FAST @ThePrimeagen

Batteries included 🔋 - [X] Hot reloading 🔥 - [ ] Protected and secure by default 🔒 - [ ] DDOS 🛡️ - [ ] CORS 🛡️ - [ ] CSRF 🛡️ - [ ] XSS 🛡️ - [ ] SQL injection 🛡️ - [ ] Rate limiting ⏱️ - [ ] TLS/SSL/HTTPS 🔒 - [ ] Built-in modules and services 📦 - [X] Static file serving 📁 - [ ] Database driver integration 🗃️ - [ ] PostgreSQL - [ ] MySQL - [ ] SQLite - [ ] MariaDB - [ ] MongoDB - [ ] Redis - [ ] Authentication 🔑 - [ ] Authorization 🔑 - [ ] Caching 🗄️ - [ ] Sessions 🍪 - [ ] WebSockets 🌐 - [X] [VSC extension](https://github.com/webx-net/webx-extension) *(Syntax Highlighting, Snippets, and more)* - [ ] WebX Playground 🛝 - [ ] WebX Docs 📖 - [ ] Package manager 📦 *(`NPM`-like, for WebX handlers, modules, and drivers)*
WebX DSL (Domain Specific Language) - [X] Parser - [X] AST for WebX modules - [X] Comments - [ ] Model definitions ~~*(ORM, Prism-like)*~~ - [X] Fields - [X] Types - [ ] Value Constraints - [ ] Serde Validation - [ ] ~~Relations~~ - [ ] ~~Migrations~~ - [ ] ~~Queries *(CRUD operations)*~~ - [ ] Native SSR *(templating)* - [X] JSX support - [ ] ~~HyperScript support~~ - [ ] TypeScript support - [X] Deno runtime - [ ] ~~WebAssembly AoT compilation~~ - [ ] Unified type definitions *(shared between client and server)* - [ ] Validation *(Serialize/Deserialize for req/res data)* - [ ] Input sanitization *(safe defaults)* - [ ] Output sanitization *(safe defaults)* - [ ] Type checking - [ ] Constraints - [ ] Relations - [ ] Formats - [ ] JSON - [ ] JSON5 - [ ] XML - [ ] HTML - [ ] CSV - [ ] YAML - [ ] TOML - [ ] Custom *(plugins)* - [ ] Route definitions - [X] HTTP methods - [X] Path parameters *(URL/segments/)* - [ ] Query parameters *(`?key=value`)* - [ ] Request headers - [ ] Request Body parameters *(POST/PUT/PATCH)* - [ ] Body serialization *(JSON, XML, etc.)* - [ ] Body deserialization and validation - [ ] Dependency injection *(between handlers)* - [ ] Middleware *(before/after handlers)* - [ ] Endpoint body code block types - [ ] TypeScript *(TS)* - [ ] Typescript-React *(TSX)* ```typescript get /todos/(id: number) -> initServices:s, auth(s.userService, id):user, isAdmin(user) { ... } ``` - [ ] Handlers *(middleware)* - [ ] Design choices - [ ] Async vs sync - [ ] Return types *(explicit)* - [ ] Error handling *(opinionated!)* - [ ] Dependency injection - [ ] Return result destructuring - [ ] Built-in handlers 📦 *(stdlib)* - [ ] Data manipulation - [ ] Business logic - [ ] Authentication - [ ] OAuth - [ ] OpenID - [ ] JWT - [ ] SAML - [ ] LDAP - [ ] Kerberos - [ ] Basic - [ ] Digest - [ ] Bearer - [ ] API keys - [ ] HMAC - [ ] Mutual TLS - [ ] Authorization - [ ] RBAC - [ ] ABAC - [ ] PBAC - [ ] LBAC - [ ] DAC - [ ] Logging - [ ] Request logging - [ ] Error logging - [ ] Audit logging - [ ] Security logging - [ ] Performance logging - [ ] Debug logging - [ ] Custom logging *(plugins)* - [ ] Caching - [ ] In-memory - [ ] Redis - [ ] Memcached - [ ] Sessions - [ ] Database drivers - [X] Static file serving - [ ] Templating 📄 - [X] Error handling 🚨 - [X] Server errors - [X] Client errors - [X] Network errors - [ ] Database errors - [ ] External service errors - [X] Logging
WebX CLI tool - [ ] Project - [X] Scaffolding *(init new project)* - [ ] Configuration - [ ] Build *(AoT compilation)* - [ ] Static files - [ ] TypeScript to WebAssembly - [ ] Run *(JIT compilation)* - [ ] Development mode - [X] Hot reloading - [X] Logging - [X] Error handling - [ ] Debugging - [ ] Production mode - [ ] Optimizations - [ ] Caching - [ ] Compression - [ ] Security - [ ] Logging - [ ] Error handling - [ ] Test 🧪 - [ ] Unit tests - [ ] Integration tests - [ ] End-to-end tests - [ ] Deploy ☁️ - [ ] Docker - [ ] Kubernetes - [ ] Cloud - [ ] Documentation *(auto-generated)* - [ ] Publish *(to package registry)* - [ ] Versioning - [ ] Linting - [ ] Formatting
WebX Runtime - [ ] Web server - [X] TCP/IP - [X] HTTP Request parsing - [X] HTTP Response serialization - [X] HTTP Request routing - [X] HTTP Request handling - [ ] Protocols - [X] HTTP/0.9 - [X] HTTP/1.0 - [X] HTTP/1.1 - [ ] HTTP/2 - [ ] HTTP/3 - [ ] HTTP/3 server push - [ ] TLS/SSL/HTTPS - [ ] Multiplexing - [ ] Compression - [ ] Status codes - [ ] Cookies - [ ] Caching - [ ] Sessions - [ ] Multi-threading - [ ] Middleware - [X] Logging - [X] Error handling - [ ] Web framework - [X] REST API - [ ] ~~GraphQL API~~ - [ ] Hypermedia API - [ ] WebSockets API

Getting started

→  Read the Documentation

→  Installation

Download the latest prebuilt binaries from the releases page and extract it to a folder of your choice.

→  Development

Run the web server in dev mode for the current project:

webx run

This enables hot reloading 🔥, extensive logging, safe real-time error reporting, and other useful features.

→  Production

To run the project in production mode:

webx run --prod

This performs compile-time optimizations 🚀 (for performance improvements), caching, and other valuable features. It also disables hot reloading and response-logging to reduce sensitive debug information.


The following is an example of a simple WebX to-do list application.

include "../common.webx"

global {
  const db = new Database("sqlite://db.sqlite");

model User {
  id: number;
  name: string[maxLength(50))]
  email: string?;
  isAdmin: boolean;

model Todo {
  id: number;
  task: string;
  userId: number;

handler initServices() {
  return {
    userService: new UserService(db),
    todoService: new TodoService(db)

handler auth(userService: UserService, id: number) {
  const user = userService.getCurrentUser(id);
  if (!user) error("User not found.");
  return { user };

handler isAdmin(user: User) {
  if (!user.isAdmin()) error("User is not an admin.");

handler renderTodos(todos: Todo[], user: User): HTML {
  return (<div>
      <h1>Welcome, {user.name}!</h1>
        {todos.map(todo => <li>{todo.task}</li>)}

get /todos/(id: number) -> initServices:s, auth(s.userService, id):a, isAdmin(a.user) {
    const todos = s.todoService.getAllTodosForUser(a.user.id);
} -> renderTodos(todos, a.user)

Why Web X?

Our vision is to reduce the boilerplate and complexity of building backends and APIs.\ ▸ WebX is designed to be simple, minimal, easy to learn, and intuitive while still being versatile and flexible. It can build complex applications quickly while still being lightweight🪶 and blazingly fast🔥.

Backends shouldn't be bloated and complex, but focus on what's most important. Don't reinvent the wheel for every new project,\ ▸ Jump straight to the goodi-goodi parts and get started using WebX today!

❤️ Perfect match for </> htmx

WebX is designed to be a minimalistic web framework that is easy to learn and use. It is intended to be used with HTMX, a great alternative to frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular (or other stacks). HTMX allows you to build dynamic web applications without learning a new language or framework for the front end. WebX is designed to be versatile and flexible, and it is easy to quickly build backends for complex applications.\ ▸ Read more about HTMX

What about ///_hyperscript?

HyperScript is a front-end JavaScript DSL for creating and manipulating HTML DOM elements. It is lightweight, tightly coupled with your HTML code, and is easy to learn.\ While JSX is the default JS+HTML DSL in Webx, HyperScript is supported natively by WebX and can also be configured to be used in the project settings.\ ▸ Read more about HyperScript


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please create an issue or a pull request.

Do you have any suggestions for additional features? Create an issue or a pull request! Read more about contributing below.