weecology / LDA-kratplots

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Repo for holding code for working on LDA analysis of krat exclosure plots

Project examining community dynamics on Portal krat exclosure plots. Based off original project which focused on control plots only: https://github.com/emchristensen/Extreme-events-LDA This work expands on the original project by asking whether the rodent community present on the experimentally altered plots (altered by removing krats) experienced changes at the same time as the rodent community on the control plots.

Main Analysis

data folder

figures folder

functions folder

Contains scripts used by whole-analysis.R

models folder

Contains .Rdata results files from runs done on hipergator

previous-work folder

Contains code and data from Extreme-events-LDA repo (may or may not be completely up to date).

reports folder

Rmarkdown files and pdfs of results for facilitating discussion