Bullet Proof Corners plugin for jQuery using Canvas/VML
* Bugs and especially fixes are most welcome!
* Contact : Jonah Fox (
options is a hash with the following parameters. Bracketed is the default
* radius (10)
* borderWidth (read from BorderTopWidth or 0)
* background ("white"). Note that this is not calculated from the HTML as it is expensive
* borderColor (read from BorderTopColor)
* corners ("tl br tr bl"). Specify which borders to draw
* fixIE (true). Attempt to fix odd(2n+1) dimensions in IE
Why should you care?
* Antialiased
* Fast - this pages renders in 200ms on my Vaio in Firefox and there's quite a few corners!!
* Support for any size radius and border width with minimal performance increase
* No excanvas
* Current layout is maintained
* Works with many tested positions/display/floats (current limitation with inline)
* Supports fluid layouts.
* Original div still shows through, so can easily do hover effects
* Script is only 4.0k uncompressed
* Requires jQuery 1.2.6+
* Tested on :
o IE6 XP/Vista
o IE7 XP/Vista
o Firefox 2 Ubuntu/Windows
o Safari 3 Windows/Mac
o Opera 9 Windows/Linux
o Chrome
o Problem with some Inline elements in IE - due to incorrect reporting of width
o Update - the script now tries to fix this via the fixIE option