weihanchen / ng2-screenshot

Angular2+ directive for screen capture.
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Angular screenshot in directive for screen capture.


Live Demo


npm install ng2-screenshot

Basic Usage

  1. Import Ng2ScreenshotModule into the module that declares the component using ng2-screenshot:
import { Ng2ScreenshotModule } from 'ng2-screenshot';
  1. Add it to imports under @NgModule:
  declarations: [
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

export class AppModule {
  1. Add ng2-screenshot and ng2-screenshot-toolbox to your template, basic.component.html
    <nz-switch [(ngModel)]="isOpen" [nzCheckedChildren]="checkedTemplate"></nz-switch>
    <ng-template #checkedTemplate><i nz-icon nzType="scissor"></i></ng-template>
    <ng2-screenshot [isOpen]="isOpen" (isOpenChange)="isOpenChange($event)">
        <nz-card >
            <p>I understand that I am addressing a very sensitive topic;</p>
            <p>I will probably offend many readers that will say that I am an insane troll and my views are bullshit.</p>
            <p>Offending is not my objective</p>
            <p>but I stand by my opinions. Of course comments are here to for you to voice your opinion</p>
            <p>And yes this piece is biased by my past experiences, but that’s the value of it,</p>
            <p>sharing my experiences.</p>

  1. declare binding variable: isOpenisOpenChange($event: boolean)
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'basic-demo',
  templateUrl: './basic.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./basic.component.scss']
export class BasicDemoComponent {
  isOpen = false;

  isOpenChange($event: boolean) {
    this.isOpen = $event;


This component implement on angular 8.0, but not test on other version.