Welcome the Forget3D Engine SDK.
Content of this file:
Forget 3D Game Engine
Forget 3D Game Engine is a OpenGL ES framework(still not a engine, ~_~) for Android, Win32, WinCE platform, it simplifies your OpenGL ES program development, support scene management, Texture, Camera, Light, Model loader, Font etc.
Release Date: 23-Jun-2009
Current Version: 0.1 Current Authors: Martin Foo (i25ffz@hotmail.com)
Features in Version 0.1:
Current Forget3D support Android Native/WinCE/Win32 platforms, for Android Native & Win32 platform I provide Code::Blocks(http://www.codeblocks.org) workspace & project files, for WinCE/PPC platform, I provide EVC4 worksapce & project file, you can find all project files in "projects" dir.
About OpenGL ES implementation, for Android Native use google implementation, you can find the library(libGLES_CM.so) in Emulator /system/lib dir; For WinCE & Win32 platforms, I use Hybrid Rasteroid 3.1 OpenGL ES implementation, cause this implementation support GL_OES_draw_texture feature, Font feature need GL_OES_draw_texture to draw string, of course you can use PowerVR & Vincent implementation,
Android Native Make sure you have install Code::Blocks & Android Native Toolchain for Cygwin, if not pls see my blog's article to setup your env(in chinese): http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a0a39c30100d931.html After all is prepared, start your android emulator, and make sure "adb shell" can work, now you can enter "projects" dir, and open forget3d.workspace, and select menu "Build -> Build Workspace", if no problem, IDE will compile whole workspace successfully(include forget3d libarary and test demos), and IDE will automatically push the test programs to your emulator, after do this, enter "data" dir, run "push.bat", this script will push all forget3d test programs resources to your emulator "dev/sample" dir, and you can enter your emulator shell env and run them: $adb shell
WinCE Make sure you have install EVC4 with SP4 & PocketPC 2003 SDK, enter "projects/wince" dir, open forget3d.vcw, build them! If you use emulator to test, pls select menu "Tools -> Remote File Viewer" to open Remote File Viewer and connect emulator, and push "data" dir all model & images to your emulator root dir, and push "lib\wince\emu" dir's libEGL.dll & libGLES_CM_NoE.dll to your emulator "Windows" dir, now you can run them! If you use device to test,pls copy "data" dir all models & images to your PPC root dir, and copy "lib\wince\emu" dir's libEGL.dll & libGLES_CM_NoE.dll to "Windows" dir, run them! (I don't test it on device, if you test it on your device, pls send me a photo, thks!)
Win32 Make sure you have correctly install Code::Blocks & MinGW on your system, enter "projects/win32" dir, open forget3d.workspace, and select menu "Build -> Build Workspace", if no problem, IDE will output the test programs to "data" dir, copy "lib\win32" dir's libEGL.dll & libGLES_CM_NoE.dll "data" dir or $WINDOWS\system32 dir, run them!
Forget3D still not a real engine, still a framework, so need more featues add to it, such as network, audio, particle, effect, more platform support etc.