weishengaw / PilgrimBot

This is the bot that runs the pilgrims event in UW CSE 2024
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Table of Contents

PilgrimBot Overview

This is the bot that runs the pilgrims event in UW CSE 2024. Note: Pilgrim Bot currently does not support users crossing multiple servers with Pilgrim Bot on it


  1. Install node, use latest version over LTS!
  2. Clone the repo
  3. run npm install to install packages specified in package.json
  4. Have a Discord server where you have admin privileges. (Probably easiest to just create a dedicated private bot testing server if you don't have one already).
  5. Follow these steps here to create a Discord application and bot.
  6. Connect your bot to your server following these steps

    NOTE: For development it's probably easiest to just give your bot admin privileges.

  7. Create a file named .env in the root folder of this project.
    Use the syntax KEY_NAME=VALUE_SOMETHING (similar to bash stuff) inside the .env file to set the following environment variables the bot needs to run:
    KEY_NAME Description
    token The bot's token, comes from step where you created bot
    prefix The prefix for bot commands. If empty bot will not respond to any messages
    mongoURI Your own local development mongoURI
    pilgrimRoleId Discord ID of the role to be pinged for pilgrimages*
    weisCornerId Discord ID of the channel for that pilgrimages occur in *

    * These IDs can be obtained by setting Discord to developer mode (User Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode)

Create a local dev mongoDB cluster

Some commands update a mongoDB database. For development you should setup your own database to access and manipulate. Thankfully mongoDB provides free clusters that are more than sufficient for the small databasing done here.

  1. Go to mongoDB
  2. Create an account and sign in
  3. Click 'Create new project' and then 'Build cluster'
  4. Select a provider/region with a free tier
  5. Create the cluster (it takes a short while to build)
  6. Click 'Connect' under the cluster
  7. Set up IP address and user and confirm.
  8. On the next page ("Connection Method"), Select 'Connect Your Application' and continue
  9. The default settings for driver and version should be latest Node.js. This is what we want for PilgrimBot. Copy the connection string, this is your mongoURI
  10. Replace the items in the mongoURI with your access username and password as instructed by the page, assign the URI to the mongoURI key in your .env. Your bot should now be able to access Mongo.

After this you should be good to run the bot!

Running the Bot

Run the bot by running node index.js (or node . to save on keystrokes) in the project root directory.

You should see Pilgrims is online! output to the console.

Try typing !help (replacing the ! with whatever prefix you set in your .env) in the server you have the bot in. It should DM you a list of its commands.