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Cooperative Positioning for V2X Applications Using GNSS Carrier Phase and UWB Ranging #114

Open weisongwen opened 2 years ago

weisongwen commented 2 years ago

With the evolution of communication techniques, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications with low latency and high speed facilitate the study of cooperative positioning (CP) methods for vehicular applications. However, the current CP methods are incapable of bridging the gap between positioning accuracy required for crucial vehicular applications and what CP provides. The CP method with carrier-phase-based Real Time Kinematic (RTK) principle becomes a potential candidate for high-precision positioning. In this letter, we reveal a cooperative navigation filtering (CNF) algorithm fusing Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data and Ultra-wideband (UWB) ranging data to achieve decimeter-level positioning. The main novelty of the proposed CP method is to include centimeter-level GNSS carrier phase information and derive a collaborative ambiguity resolution model. Numerical results and comparisons validate the feasibility and superiority of proposed method.