This project contains some blogs, ideas, reviews and news related to posiitoing and navigation via sensor/sensors fusion for autonomous systems, e.g. autonomous driving and unmanned aerial vehicles. Some interesting papers will be updated in the Issues and will be closed once the paper is read.
show/plot trajectory in rviz with google map/openstreet map as background
VS Code Auto-completion, useful tools in vs code, visual studio code, VS-code
Set certain characters in one line for VS Code
Remove the re-declaration of showmsg, settspan, settime in application node
get residuals from Ceres-solver after factor graph optimization
split a single rosbag into several one or cut the rosbag file
CPP-00 Modern C++:course Introduction and Hello World (2018,Igor)
CPP-01 Modern C++:Variables, Basic types, Control structure (2018,Igor)
CPP-02 Modern C++:Compilation, Debugging, Functions, Headers/Source, Libraries, Cmake (2018,Igor)
CPP-03 Modern C++: Google Test, Namespace, Class, (2018,Igor)
warning: Clock skew detected ros
find . -type f | xargs touch
vector, map operation: reduce vector based on the other vector,
synchronize, allign, simultaneously subscribe several ros topics using messages filter
Eigen matrix usage, armadillo matrix usage, operation, rotation, transformation
LiDAR IMU calibration package based on motion, targetless calibration
pointGrey camera and Xsense Mti 30 IMU sensor data collection
ros Could NOT find GeographicLib
Solution to fix the issue: Github slow in mainland china (you only need to add the IP for, export HTTPS_PROXY=
Code for the paper "A Graduated Filter Method for Large Scale Robust Estimation", CVPR2020
CppRobotics, implementation of the PythonRobotics via CPP -Robotics 101: Computational Linear Algebra -CppCoreGuidelines -rosdep update fail: export HTTPS_PROXY= -Motion-Based Camera-IMU Extrinsic Calibration -video2rosbag:convert a video to a rosbag file -vins_with_encoder
ROS metapackage for ground robot 3D navigation and exploration
NTU VIRAL: A Visual-Inertial-Ranging-Lidar Dataset for Autonomous Aerial Vehicle
extract the image from rosbag to png, image to file