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An Algorithm to Assist the Robust Filter for Tightly Coupled RTK/INS Navigation System #141

Open weisongwen opened 2 years ago

weisongwen commented 2 years ago

The Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning algorithm is a promising positioning technique that can provide real-time centimeter-level positioning precision in GNSS-friendly areas. However, the performance of RTK can degrade in GNSS-hostile areas like urban canyons. The surrounding buildings and trees can reflect and block the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals, obstructing GNSS receivers’ ability to maintain signal tracking and exacerbating the multipath effect. A common method to assist RTK is to couple RTK with the Inertial Navigation System (INS). INS can provide accurate short-term relative positioning results. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is usually used to couple RTK with INS, whereas the GNSS outlying observations significantly influence the performance. The Robust Kalman Filter (RKF) is developed to offer resilience against outliers. In this study, we design an algorithm to improve the traditional RKF. We begin by implementing the tightly coupled RTK/INS algorithm and the conventional RKF in C++. We also introduce our specific implementation in detail. Then, we test and analyze the performance of our codes on public datasets. Finally, we propose a novel algorithm to improve RKF and test the improvement. We introduce the Carrier-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) to help detect outliers that should be discarded. The results of the tests show that our new algorithm’s accuracy is improved when compared to the traditional RKF. We also open source the majority of our code, as we find there are few open-source projects for coupled RTK/INS in C++. Researchers can access the codes at our GitHub. View Full-Text