weiya711 / sam

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Changes required for working tiling tests #88

Open Ritvik1sharma opened 1 year ago

Ritvik1sharma commented 1 year ago
  1. Change the tiling script to generate not just tile payloads in files and a file for where sizes are located but also the tile meta data i..e the seg and cord arrays for all operands for each memory level (right now I lift this data back up from the size files again but it is hardcoded for matrixes only).
  2. Also generate tiled data formats for other kernels other than matmul i.e. mat vec mul, tensor multipliation, sddmm etc. The output of tiling preprocessing code should be in: tiles/"app_name"/ directory in main folder.
  3. Change the sizes format dict generated in tiles/app_name/hw_level_i_sizes to be addressed by references and not by coordinates (in the pickle files). Also have the tensor sizes for each operand. Lower memory level diurectories will take even more arguments (refertencesinto which glb tile, which mem lvl tile etc.
  4. Change names of memory levels in the yaml files for memory modelling to follow.
  5. Generate seperate graphs for different memory levels if so specified by the user (can be done later not necessary)
weiya711 commented 1 year ago

@Ritvik1sharma bullet 2 start mat_vec_mul @weiya711 bullet 1 and bullet 2 start mat_elemadd/mat_elemmul