weiya711 / sam

MIT License
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The Sparse Abstract Machine (SAM) IR, Compiler, and Simulator

Master Makefile CI Master Python CI

SAM Front-end Compiler

Overview: tensor expression + format language + schedule --> SAM Graph --> dot file and png of dot file -->
RTL Graph or Simulator Graph

Compiling SAM graphs

Init the taco/ repo as a submodule

make submodules

Setup the compilation for the taco/ repo

make taco/build

Run the script to generate a handful of example sam graphs

make sam

The example sam graphs should now be located in compiler/sam-outputs/ in both the dot/ and png/ folers.

Naming convention

Naming rules

Metadata Naming Metadata naming convention for other blocks: - Metadata naming convention for fiber (lookup and write) blocks: fiber<lookup|write>-<glb?> Examples:

  1. fiber_lookup_Bi_B0_compressed
  2. repeat_Ci

SAM Simulator

Installing SAM Simulator as a Package

 pip install -e .

Running Tests

The simulator uses pytest to run tests

To run all tests type

cd sam/sim/

Use the following pytest optional arguments below

--debug-sim                 Turn on debug mode for sim
--count=<n>                 Repeat each test for n iterations 
-k <testname>[<paramlist>]  Run only tests with testname and paramlist
-vv                         Double verbose
-s                          Forward printouts to stdout
--full-trace                Print full trace to stdout

Test Naming Convention

Full kernel tests follow the naming convention test_<kernel>_<rand|direct>_<outformat>_<in1format>_<in2format>_...<innformat> where:

  1. <kernel> is the name of the tensor algebra kernel being tested (e.g. mat_elemmul, mat_mul, vec_elemmul, etc.)
  2. *format takes on u | c | s for formats uncompressed, compressed, singleton respectively
  3. `<rand|direct> specifies if the test is randomly generated or a directed (handwritten) test

Primitive unit tests follow the naming convention test_<primitive>_<feature>_<order> where:

  1. <primitive> is the name of the primitive being tested (e.g. array, intersect, union, etc.)
  2. <feature> is the name of the feature being tested (e.g. for an array we can test both loads and stores)
  3. <order> is the name of the order of stream being tested (1d for vectors, 2d for matrices, ..., and nd for all dimensions/tensor orders, etc.)

Directory Structure

│   │   base.py
│   │   joiner.py
│   │   ...         # All primitive block classes
│   │   test.py
│   │   file022.txt
│   │
│   └───apps
│       │   test_mat_elemmul.py
│       │   ...     # Full kernel/expression tests
        │   test_joiner.py
        │   ...     # Primitive unit tests

SAM Binding to Onyx

See the README in sam/sam/onyx


All files in this project (code, scripts, documentaiton) are released under the MIT License