welaika / docker-wordmove

Docker image to run Wordmove
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Docker image to run Wordmove.

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What's inside

Additionally we install build-essential and ruby-dev in order to be able to compile gems inside the image, thus enabling it to be used as CI image in certain scenarios.

TAG specific

We ship 3 flavours of this container:

@since 28 November 2019 latest corresponds to php7

latest/php7 is based upon Debian Buster alpine tag is based upon Alpine Linux 3.10 php5 is based upon Ubuntu 14.04

latest/php7 also ships with preconfigured en_US.UTF-8 locale.

php5 also ships with:

How to use

To run this image

docker run -it --rm -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro welaika/wordmove

This starts a shell, with wordmove available on the command-line.

SSH permission caveat

If you are on a Winodws or Linux host, then you could get permission errors while trying to use your ssh keys. To work around this problem we've a trick for you:

docker run -it --rm -v ~/.ssh:/tmp/.ssh:ro welaika/wordmove

Mounting .ssh/ inside /tmp/ will tell the image to automatically copy it over in /root/ and to fix permissions.


A WORDMOVE_WORKDIR environment variable is exported inside the container; since this is the container's WORKDIR path, you could use <%= ENV['WORDMOVE_WORKDIR'] %> inside a movefile.yml in order to solidly know the pwd.

For example running

docker run --rm -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro -v ~/dev/wp-site/:/html welaika/wordmove wordmove pull -d

you could configure movefile.yml like

  wordpress_path: "<%= ENV['WORDMOVE_WORKDIR'] %>"
  # [...]

To run this image in a full Docker-based WordPress environment

See Wordpress development made easy using Docker

This tutorial explains how to set up a WordPress environment, using Docker Compose, with the following four interconnected containers:

Don't forget to replace image: mfuezesi/wordmove with image: welaika/wordmove to get the latest version of Wordmove.

Notable changes

Since the first version of this container, which is now tagged as php5, we got some potentially breaking changes.

Credits πŸ™πŸ»

Based on mfuezesi/docker-wordmove, with WP-CLI support added.


@simonbland and @welaika dev team 😎