real, simple, database
download and run in location of choosing, it will create a data folder
and a settings.json
with the settings
To connect the server, download and use example: (showcases all functions)
import realdb
a=realdb("localhost",4740,"admin") # connect to realdb
print(a.ack()) # {'error': 'none', 'implementation': 'wellsilver/RealDB py', 'version': 'beta 001', 'alivesince': 1678592736, 'extra': {}}
a.keyset("Hello World!","Yes.") # set the key "Hello World!" to "Yes."
print(a.keyget("Hello World!")) # get the key "Hello World!" (returns "Yes.":str)
a.keyset("Hello World!",50) # set the key "Hello World!" to an integer 50
print(a.keyget("Hello World!")) # get the key "Hello World!" (returns 50:int)
Its dead simple, the server itself consists of POST
requests to a server, with the modifier "get" "set" or "new"
Get gets the data in data/<row>/<key>
and returns it.
sent | recieved |
{"key":"admin","type":"row","mod":"set","name":"Users","values":values} | {"error":"none"} |
Read all values from table <name>
and row <value>
sent | recieved |
{"key":"admin","type":"row","mod":"read","name":"Users","value":"5005"} | {"error":"none","data":{}} |