welpo / git-sumi

The non-opinionated Rust-based commit message linter.
Apache License 2.0
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cli commit-messages conventional-commits conventional-commits-parser conventions git lint linter non-opinionated rust rust-cli

git-sumi logo: a lantern held on a bamboo stick over the sea

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CI Deployment Documentation MIT or Apache 2.0 License

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The non-opinionated Rust-based commit message linter

Transform your commit practices with flexible linting for consistently high-quality Git commit messages that adhere to your project's standards. > sumi (墨, /sɯmi/): ink, especially the type used in [traditional ink wash painting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ink_wash_painting). ## 🎥 Demo See how git-**sumi** can help you write better commit messages: https://github.com/welpo/git-sumi/assets/6399341/cf1b4f00-3f79-454f-a533-5b36812dd464 ## ✨ Main features - **Customizable rules**: Tailor git-**sumi** to each project's specific requirements. Easily configure [rules](https://sumi.rs/docs/rules/) to enforce [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/), length limits, gitmoji usage, and more through a [simple TOML file](https://sumi.rs/docs/configuration/). - **Clear error reporting**: git-**sumi**'s detailed error reporting makes fixing commit messages straightforward and educational. - **Seamless integration**: git-**sumi** is a [single binary](https://github.com/welpo/git-sumi/releases), making it easy to [integrate into your existing workflow](https://sumi.rs/docs/integration) with minimal setup. ## 📝 Documentation Learn how to use git-**sumi** from the [documentation](https://sumi.rs/docs). - [Quick setup](https://sumi.rs/docs/#quickstart) - [Configuration](https://sumi.rs/docs/configuration) - [Rules](https://sumi.rs/docs/rules) - [Examples](https://sumi.rs/docs/examples) - [Integration](https://sumi.rs/docs/integration) - [Frequently Asked Questions](https://sumi.rs/docs/faq) ## 👥 Contributing Please do! Contributions are always welcome. We appreciate improvements to the documentation, development of new rules, code cleanup, resolving issues, requesting or developing new functionality… Take a look at our [Contributing Guidelines](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information on how to get started. ## 📄 License This project is licensed under the terms of both the [MIT license](/LICENSE-MIT) and the [Apache License (Version 2.0)](/LICENSE-APACHE), at your option.