weltan / navigation

based off re-navigator example
MIT License
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Ken's navigation example

This was forked from vikeri's re-navigate. It brings you through a skeleton of react-components, using a simple (cond curren-state state1 [component1] state2 [component2]) structure. This cond inside one component may not be the right way to switch between scenes....seems to work, but may not be performant.


Example of React Native Navigation with re-frame/re-natal

This example uses React Native's new Navigation component NavigationExperimental which has a more FRP-like setup (like redux) and thus it works ridiculously well with re-frame.

Example code

It is based on the scaffold from re-natal, almost everything is found in navigator-cljs.ios.core



cd into the directory.

npm install && lein prod-build && react-native run-ios


In the future this might become a library if it would be useful to reuse things like the navigation handlers and the db schema.

It has only been tested with iOS but in theory it should work with Android as well since there are no iOS-specific components (I think).