weng-lab / motif-workflow

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Motif Workflow

Simple workflow that runs MEME-Suite's MEME and TomTom in factobook-meme on entire encode datasets. Encode datasets are looked up on the fly using the ENCODE API.


Has two modes, Chip-Seq and Methyl.

Chip-Seq Mode

Chip-Seq mode runs against every released ENCODE Chip-Seq experiment.

Methyl Mode

Methyl mode runs against every released ENCODE WGBS experiment with applicable bed-methyl files.


Krews workflows are run with a configuration file argument --config path/to/my-config.conf. Two example configurations are provided in the config directory, one for chip-seq mode and one for methyl.

Workflow Configurations

Motif Task Configurations

TomTom Task Configurations


Just run scripts/build.sh to build. You should find your executable Jar in build/$APP_NAME-$VERSION-exec.jar


Once built, you can run scripts/run.sh with any Krews args. It's just a convenience wrapper for java -jar build/*.jar.