wengxyu1030 / MIS

This is the repository for MIS, which is consistent with DHS in structure, covered a limited set of indicators that HEFPI is looking for.
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Git MIS Recode

General Survey:

The MIS survey is following the same data structure as DHS, where the variable names, label, and the data structure is identical. “Almost all of the questions in the MIS instrument were derived from the Demographic and Health Surveys and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys.” From https://dhsprogram.com/methodology/survey-types/mis.cfm

The MIS is complementary to the DHS, for example, for Angola, there are MIS conducted in 2011 and 2006-07 as Recode V, where the DHS only covered Angola in 2015-16. There are 82 MIS surveys in total, with a few recent surveys with the final report published however raw data not available yet.

However, the MIS questions only focused on the domains of Fertility, Malaria, and Infant and Child Mortality. Looking at the HEFPI indicators that could be generated from MIS:

  1. All the child mortality indicators could be generated consistently from MIS, together with a few other child relevant indicators are covered like c_ITN, c_bcg, and c_anc_ski.
  2. However, neither of the indicators relevant to other child relevant domains like delivery care, postnatal care, or woman related domains on sexual health, woman anthropometrics, and woman cancer could be generated from the MIS.


This template is based on DHS VII, and has been adjusted according to Uganda2014, Uganda2018, and Angola2011