wenjiax / stress

Replacement of ApacheBench(ab), support for transactional requests, support for command line and package references to HTTP stress testing tool.
Apache License 2.0
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stress is an HTTP stress testing tool. Through this tool, you can do a stress test on the HTTP service and get detailed test results. It is inspired by hey.


go get -u github.com/wenjiax/stress



stress contains two usage, either via the command line or used as a package.

1.Use command line.

Usage: stress [options...] <url> || stress [options...] -enable-tran <urls...>

  -n  Number of requests to run. Default value is 100.
      If set to -1, the request has been sent, but the report will 
      not be output by default.
  -c  Number of requests to run concurrently. 
      Total number of requests cannot smaller than the concurrency level. 
      Default value is 0.
  -d  Duration of requests to run. Default value is 0 sec.
  -o  Output file path. For example: /home/user or ./files.

  -h  Custom HTTP header. For example: 
      -h "Accept: text/html" -h "Content-Type: application/xml".
  -m  HTTP method, any of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS.
  -t  Timeout for each request in seconds. Default value is 20, 
      use 0 for infinite.
  -b  HTTP request body.
  -B  HTTP request body from file. For example:
      /home/user/file.txt or ./file.txt.
  -x  HTTP Proxy address as host:port.

  -h2    Enable HTTP/2.
  -host  Set HTTP Host header.

  -think-time           Time to think after request. Default value is 0 sec.
  -disable-compression  Disable compression.
  -disable-keepalive    Disable keep-alive, prevents re-use of TCP
                        connections between different HTTP requests.
  -disable-redirects    Disable following of HTTP redirects.
  -enable-tran          Enable transactional requests. Multiple urls 
                        form a transactional requests. 
                        For example: "stress [options...] -enable-tran 

For example: run a task.

stress -n 1000 -c 10 -m GET http://localhost:8080

For example: run a transactional request composed of multiple URL.

stress -n 1000 -c 10 -enable-tran http://localhost:8080,m:post,b:hi,x: http://localhost:8888,m:post,B:/home/file.txt,thinkTime:2 

2.Use package.

For example: run a task.

package main

import (

    stress "github.com/wenjiax/stress/stress"

func main() {
    task := &stress.Task{
        Duration:   10, // Continuous request for 10 seconds
        Concurrent: 10,
        ReportHandler: func(results []*stress.Result, totalTime time.Duration) {
            // Processing result reporting function.
            // If the function is passed in, the incoming function is used to process the report,
            // otherwise the default function is used to process the report.
    err := task.Run(&stress.RequestConfig{
        URLStr: "http://localhost:8080/api/test",
        Method: "GET",
    if err != nil {

For example: run a transactional request composed of multiple URL.

package main

import (

    stress "github.com/wenjiax/stress/stress"

func main() {
    task := &stress.Task{
        Number:     1000,
        Concurrent: 10,
    var configs []*stress.RequestConfig
    configs = append(configs, &stress.RequestConfig{
        URLStr: "http://localhost:8080/api/test",
        Method: "GET",
    configs = append(configs, &stress.RequestConfig{
        URLStr: "http://localhost:8080/api/hello",
        Method: "POST",
    err := task.RunTran(configs...)
    if err != nil {

Add event handling. Make some extra processing before each request, such as setting a different header or request body at a time.

package main

import (

    stress "github.com/wenjiax/stress/stress"

func main() {
    task := &stress.Task{
        Number:     1000,
        Concurrent: 10,
    events := &stress.Events{
        // Share is a container that is shared in the current transaction,
        // you can access the required content.
        RequestBefore: func(req *stress.Request, share stress.Share) {
            req.Req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
            req.Req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("Hello Body")))
            share["name"] = "wenjiax"
        ResponseAfter: func(res *http.Response, share stress.Share) {
            name := share["name"] // name="wenjiax"
    err := task.Run(&stress.RequestConfig{
        URLStr: "http://localhost:8080/api/test",
        Method: "GET",
        Events: events,
    if err != nil {


stress source code is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html).