wenshengl / CS230-IcGAN-image-editing-tensorflow

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Course project for CS230, implemented IcGAN on MNIST and celebA

  1. Data: Put MNIST and preprocessed celebA .npy files into data folder

  2. Experiments: Modify the corresponding params.json file inside the experiments/base_model/ folder.

To train on MNIST dataset: python main.py --OPER_FLAG <FLAG>

To train on celebA dataset: python main.py --OPER_FLAG <FLAG> --celebA 1

Replace <FLAG> with 0 to train on IcGAN 1 to train encoder z of IcGAN 2 to train encoder y of IcGAN 3 to test IcGAN

  1. Results: View the results in sample/celebA_gan or sampele/mnist_gan folder.

  2. Tensorboard run tensorboardx:

tensorboard --logdir=<'path_to_log'>

Reference code