weprovide / valet-plus

Blazing fast macOS PHP development environment
1.55k stars 209 forks source link
development-environment php


Valet+ is a development environment for macOS. No Vagrant, no Docker, no /etc/hosts file. This project uses laravel/valet as a dependency.


:warning: Valet+ requires macOS and Homebrew. Before installation, you should make sure that no other programs such as Apache or Nginx are binding to your local machine's port 80.

:warning: Valet+ requires Composer to be installed.

To get started, you first need to ensure that Homebrew is up-to-date using the update command:

brew update

Next, you should use Homebrew to install PHP 8.1 (using shivammathur/php):

brew tap shivammathur/php
brew install shivammathur/php/php@8.1
brew link php@8.1 --force
brew services restart php@8.1

Install Valet+ 3.x-dev with composer:

composer global require weprovide/valet-plus:3.x-dev

Finally, you may execute the Valet+ install command. This will configure and install Valet+, Nginx, DnsMasq and other services. In addition, use --help to see all installation options.

valet-plus install

The daemons Valet+ depends on will be configured to launch when your system starts. Once Valet+ is installed, try pinging any *.test domain on your terminal using a command such as ping foobar.test. If Valet+ is installed correctly you should see this domain responding on

Valet+ features

Here are a few key differences compared to the original Valet:

Changes vs Valet+ 2

Get in touch


We have a slack workspace available which you can join.

Yes, we have a Valet+ fan page https://www.weprovide.com/valet-plus