wero8a / stock-analysis

Module 2 repository
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Stock-Analysis Challenge


The purpose of this project is to help Steve find the stock information he needs more effectively. Initially, we helped Steve find reports for a specific stock, but now he wants details for the whole stock market. We will do this by altering our original work and eliminating or changing inefficient code.


The results with our original and our new(optimized) code will display the same information on the data tables regardless of which one is used.

image image

However, our original code is not optimized for efficiency. The images below show the time it took for our original code to run using nested for loops to iterate through our entire data over and over.

Original Script

ogc2017 ogc2018

In our new code our goal was to iterate through an entire for loop only once to significantly reduce the time required to run the code. To accomplish this we declared three arrays to hold our data for its respective ticker.


Instead of iterating through the entire data for each ticker, we used image as our parameter for the arrays in our for loop to change ticker as soon as it is reached in the data sheets. Thus, reducing the number of iterations and time needed to run the code significantly as shown below.

Refactored Script

VBA_Challenge_2017 VBA_Challenge_2018


Original vs Refactored VBA Script

If we compare the time difference you can see that our refactored code runs approximately 0.8 seconds faster than our original code. This may not seem like much in this situation, but in some cases the data might increase over time as more elements are added. Eventually, running the same code will become obsolete and the time required to run the code will keep increasing. At this point, we must consider refactoring our code once again. It is obvious that the refactored code is much better than the original and would be preferred.

Refactoring in General

In many cases, refactoring is a normal occurance because many programs must be updated to keep working as intended. It is important to make code more understandable and clean for everyone so that everything runs faster and smoother. This will facilitate refactoring in the future. One of the downsides to refactoring is that it takes time because it is a delicate process. It must be done in small sections and be tested constantly to avoid compromising its functionality.

