wesharetechnology / flask-llm-pdf-analyzer

A flask app that uses the LLM model to extract chemicals from a PDF file input.
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Flask-LLM App

Table of Contents


[On 2023-10-18] Instruction on the use of Fastapi App in OpenAlex\fastapi directory\ Go to the folder cd OpenAlex\fastapi\ Create a vitual environment and install the dependencies and activate the environment:

python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt

After correctly installed and activate the environment, run the fastapi server:

uvicorn main:app --reload

Now you can explore the api at Currently, the app supports

In order for the graph construction function to work properly, you can create a neo4j instance on neo4j web, and put the configurations such as username, password, and uri in a .env file. The .env file should be in the same directory as main.py. You can check the format of the .env file in .env.example as well. After running the neo4j instance, the application should be working properly.


This is a flask app that uses the LLM model to extract chemicals from a PDF File input.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/wesharetechnology/flask-llm-pdf-analyzer.git

  2. The project runs on conda environment for running large language models. To install the same conda environment, run conda env create -f llm_env.yml

  3. Activate the conda environment: conda activate llm_env

Build a flask app

Tutorial Source: How to build a web application using Flask and deploy it to the cloud

  1. Activate the environment by Scripts\activate
  1. Make sure flask is installed: pip install -r pip_requirements.txt

Run the llm model (ChatGLM-6B)

  1. Make sure the correct python version/interpreter is used when typing python in terminal
  2. Currently, the model is run locally. The path is set at main.py in LLM_MODEL_PATH. Change the path to the correct path of the model. or change to THUDM\chatglm-6b to use the online model on huggingface


  1. Go to the directory cd flask-llm-pdf-analyzer
  2. Run python main.py

Demo of Usage

Problem of the current application

  1. [Scalability] Locks and the multithread handler have not been implemented
  2. [Error Rate] The llm gives unstable output
    • Results are not complete: some chemicals are missing
    • The output is not consistent: the same input may give different output
    • The output is not accurate: some chemicals that appear in the article are not used in the laboratory
    • The model can output mixed Chinese and English; This app cannot output JSON
  3. [Response Time] Currently, each sentence is processed one by one, which is not efficient
    • There is a tradeoff: short sentences and short prompts lead to more accurate result, the model is called more times, hence slower response time; long sentences and long prompts lead to less accurate result, the model is called less times, and the response time is shorter


ChatGLM-6B license: here\ Cite the article

  title={Glm-130b: An open bilingual pre-trained model},
  author={Zeng, Aohan and Liu, Xiao and Du, Zhengxiao and Wang, Zihan and Lai, Hanyu and Ding, Ming and Yang, Zhuoyi and Xu, Yifan and Zheng, Wendi and Xia, Xiao and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02414},


Contributor: Wang Yumeng