weshopai / WeShop-UI

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Welcome to Weshop_UI_1.0.0! This software is an open-source solution derived from WeShop.AI, which specialize in generating images using AI. We've extracted some business/professional functionalities, removed proprietary elements, and are gradually releasing parts of our services to the public. Our goal is to foster innovation and collaboration in AI-powered image creation while maintaining our core business offerings. WeShop UI features multi-task management, and a simple and user-friendly interface, perfect for beginners.


This project is an open-source solution that brings functionalities of WeShop.AI to your local operation. Weshop_UI_1.0.0 leverages Stable Diffusion Webui as its core inference engine, enabling you to deploy WeShop.AI functionalities locally and generate high-quality AI images without internet or cloud reliance.


Open-source Plan

Currently, we've open sourced web and Electron frontend, changes made for Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion Webui. Our plan regarding key functionalities is listed below:


  1. Task Manegement
    • Permanent Records: All execution records will be saved for future reference. alt text
    • Task Editing: Supports re-editing and re-execution of the same task, allowing multiple edits to improve results by adjusting parameters.
    • Task Re-Naming: Allows tasks to be re-named for quick search and management. alt text
  2. Async UI Design
    • Concurrent Editing: Allows tasks to be modified simultaneously while other tasks are being executed.
  3. Better and Accurate Mask Area Editing Tools
    • SegmentAnything: Provides intuitive editing capabilities including subject selection, clothing/appreal selection, invert selection like Photoshop and brush tools.
    • Upload Mask Image: Supports uploading customized mask images for more precise segmentation. alt text
  4. Save Favorite Photos Feature
    • Save and Star: Allow users to save their best cases, ensuring easy access to the images you love most for future usage. We also allow you to quickly view before-and-after images and their execution records. alt text
  5. Task Creation in Batches
    • Parameter Combinations: Support creating tasks in batches based on various parameter combinations. WeShop UI will be able to execute those selections in orders automatically. alt text
  6. Download Images
    • One-click download: Offers a single-click download for both full-size images and 4K images. alt text
  7. PSD Download
    • Post-processing Refinement: One-click download of PSD files including original image, mask, and generated images for Photoshop refinement. alt text
  8. Inference Engine
    • Foundational Technology: Based on AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui, updating with the latest version and better and easier experience the new features

How to use WeShop AI Locally

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Click the "Start" button on the bottom right to launch the tool. Depending on the computer's specification, it takes some time to launch. alt text alt text

This website will pop up after the software is launched. Select the type of task desired to be executed. Currently, functionalities include text-to-image (txt2img) and image-to-image (img2img). alt text

Select desired parameters for image generations. alt text alt text

Further refine generations by selecting desired ControlNet and AfterDetailer parameters. Click the "Generate" button on bottom right to start generation process. alt text

Resulting images will shortly be displayed after generation process is finished. Click "Edit again" button on the top right to adjust parameters or generate again. alt text

For any bugs encountered, click the "BUG Report" button, then bug info will be sent. Alternatively, you can send feedback from our Github page https://github.com/weshopai/WeShop-UI



You can download WeShop UI 1.0.0 from the following sources:

Huggingface: https://huggingface.co/WeShopAI/WeShop_UI_1.0.0

Steam: in progress

Installation & Usage

Unzip weshop-1.0.0.zip and weshop-model-pack.zip

Replace weshop/models with weshop-model-pack/models

Replace weshop/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models with weshop-model-pack/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models

Replace weshop/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/annotator/downloads with weshop-model-pack/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/annotator/downloads

Click weshop.exe to launch

For Steam users, find Weshop_AI in the market, then directly launch the software from Steam.


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This project makes use of the following open-source projects:

https://github.com/sgreben/http-file-server : A file server to store necessary local files created

https://github.com/pierrre/imageserver : A file server dedicated to store image files created

https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything : Segment uploaded images to create masks

https://github.com/sczhou/CodeFormer : Upscale images