wesley-dean-flexion / dockerized_sqlfluff

Dockerize 'sqlfluff', a SQL linter written in Python
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This is a Dockerfile that allows the user to run a containerized version of sqlfluff by Alan Cruickshank. The image is rebuilt weekly thanks to Jenkins.

To build

docker build -t sqlfluff .

To pull hosted image from Docker Hub

docker pull wesleydeanflexion/sqlfluff

To run

# mount and lint a file with locally-built image
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data sqlfluff filename.sql

# pipe a file to test with hosted image
docker run --rm -i wesleydeanflexion/sqlfluff - < filename.sql

Recursive scan of all SQL files

This will start in the current directory and scan all *.sql files (case-insensitive) with the hosted sqlfluff image. The sed statement will convert any container-specific paths back to paths meaningful to the host system.

docker run \
  --entrypoint '' \
  --rm \
  --interactive \
  --volume $(pwd):/data \
  wesleydeanflexion/sqlfluff \
  find . \
    -iname "*.sql" \
    -exec sqlfluff lint {} \; \
  | sed -Ee "s|/data/\.|$(pwd)|g"


  1. the file(s) to lint are sent as options to the sqlfluff container
  2. the container looks in /data/ to find the file(s) provided
  3. sqlfluff accepts - as a filename to read from STDIN (for piping)

Convenience alias

For your convenience, you may include the following into your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc):

# this is the alias
alias sqlfluff='docker run --rm -i -v$(pwd):/data sqlfluff'

# here's how to use the alias
cat filename.sql | sqlfluff -
sqlfluff filename.sql