Scala implementation of SHEX.
This project contains an implementation of Shape Expressions (ShEx).
This project contains a Scala implementation of ShEx. The library handles RDF using a simple RDF library, which at this moment has 2 implementations, one using Apache Jena and another one using RDF4j. This means that it is possible to use this library to validate RDF models from either Jena or RDF4J models, as well as from external SPARQL endpoints.
The project uses sbt for compilation as well as Java 1.8.
sbt test
compiles and runs the testsIt is possible to run shex-s
as a command line tool.
To create the executable you can use the following command:
sbt universal:packageBin
and it will generate a zip file in the folder: target/universal
which contains an executable called shexs
shexs mapping
shexs validate
shexs shapePath
shexs manifest
shexs wikibase
shexs schema
ShEx-Scala command line tool
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--version, -v
Print the version number and exit.
Convert a schema through a mapping
Validate RDF data using a schema and a shape map
Validate a shape path
Run manifest file containing tests
Validate RDF data from wikibase
Schema processing actions
It is possible to create binaries for different platforms like Linux, Windows, MacOS, etc. We would like to publish those binaries with each release as discribed in this issue.
You can run the following in the examples
folder to validate the turtle file user.ttl
according to the ShEx file user.shex
and the shape map
shexs validate --schema user.shex --data user.ttl --shapeMap
Other options for validation are available as:
shexs validate --schema <path> [--schemaFormat <format>] [--baseIRI <string>] --data <path> [--dataFormat <string>] --shapeMap <path> [--shapeMapFormat <string>] [--validator version <string>] [--showResultFormat <string>] [--output <path>] [--verbose <string>]
shexs validate --schema <path> [--schemaFormat <format>] [--baseIRI <string>] --endpoint <string> --shapeMap <path> [--shapeMapFormat <string>] [--validator version <string>] [--showResultFormat <string>] [--output <path>] [--verbose <string>]
shexs validate --schemaURL <string> [--baseIRI <string>] --data <path> [--dataFormat <string>] --shapeMap <path> [--shapeMapFormat <string>] [--validator version <string>] [--showResultFormat <string>] [--output <path>] [--verbose <string>]
shexs validate --schemaURL <string> [--baseIRI <string>] --endpoint <string> --shapeMap <path> [--shapeMapFormat <string>] [--validator version <string>] [--showResultFormat <string>] [--output <path>] [--verbose <string>]
Validate RDF data using a schema and a shape map
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--schema <path>, -s <path>
Path to ShEx file.
--schemaFormat <format>
Schema format, default = (ShExC). Possible values = (ShExC,ShExJ)
--baseIRI <string>
base IRI
--schemaURL <string>
URL of schema
--data <path>, -d <path>
Path to data file.
--dataFormat <string>
Data format. Default=Turtle, available=Turtle,NTriples,RDF/XML,JSON-LD
--endpoint <string>
endpoint URL
--shapeMap <path>, -s <path>, -m <path>
Path to shapeMap file.
--shapeMapFormat <string>
ShapeMap format, default=Compact, available formats=List(Compact, JSON)
--validator version <string>, -e <string>
version of validator. Default = 2.2. Other values = 2.1,ref
--showResultFormat <string>
--output <path>
Output to file (default = console)
--verbose <string>, -v <string>
verbose level (0-nothing,1-basic,2-info,3-details,4-debug,5-step,6-all)
We also pass the ShEx test-suite.
This project uses the sbt ci release plugin for publishing to OSS Sonatype.
Open a PR and merge it to watch the CI release a -SNAPSHOT version
git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "v0.1.0"
git push origin v0.1.0
Note that the tag version MUST start with v.Contributors:
Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request to add more features or submit issues