I've made a personal choice to use a different brokerage due to Robinhood's outages during the Covid19 market moves. There are some other fantastic Robinhood focused python clients out there. I'd suggest finding them and using them going forward. Best of luck.
A simple yet robust (stock+options) API client for Robinhood
Sometime during Spring 2019, Robinhood changed how their API handles
authentication. In order to adapt to those changes, I've moved
"authentication" outside this library to fast_arrow_auth
Please see:
I have released these changes under version 1.0.0 to follow semantic version guidelines (since auth changes are incompatible API changes).
from fast_arrow import Client, Stock, OptionChain, Option
# new auth process as of 1.0.0
# get auth_data (see https://github.com/westonplatter/fast_arrow_auth)
with open("fast_arrow_auth.json") as f:
auth_data = json.loads(f.read())
# initialize client with auth_data
client = Client(auth_data)
# fetch the stock info for TLT
symbol = "TLT"
md = StockMarketdata.quote_by_symbol(client, symbol)
# get the TLT option chain
stock_id = md["instrument"].split("/")[-2]
option_chain = OptionChain.fetch(client, stock_id, symbol)
# let's get TLT options (calls and puts) for next 4 expiration dates
oc_id = option_chain["id"]
eds = option_chain['expiration_dates'][0:3]
# get all options on the TLT option chain
ops = Option.in_chain(client, oc_id, expiration_dates=eds)
# merge in market data fro TLT option instruments (ask, bid, delta, theta, etc)
ops = Option.mergein_marketdata_list(client, ops)
Install the package from pypi,
pip install fast_arrow
You might be asking, "yet another Robinhood client? There's already a few out there. What's different about this one?"
holds to these design principles,
Here's what you can do with fast_arrow
(some features still in development)
Want to propose a feature? Open a feature request or open a Pull Request.
Install pipenv, and then run,
pipenv install --dev
Run the test suite via,
make test
Run all the examples (make sure you add username/password to config.debug.ini),
sh run_all_examples.sh
Run the test suite against a specific python version,
pipenv run tox -e py36
Adding so I don't forget the next time I release a version,
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
simple_portfolio. Export trades from Robinhood and run basic reporting on portfolio performance. https://github.com/westonplatter/simple_portfolio
chesterton. A delightful little UI & trading bot for strategies on Robinhood. https://github.com/westonplatter/chesterton