This is a Spring Boot Starter that uses Thymeleaf to implement CDTS.
Since this version is based on Spring Boot, simply adding the dependency to your POM file is enough to do most of the configuration. The only config requried after that is to add the WETTemplateInterceptor
to your list of interceptors.
After that, there is no need to extend any beans! Just write normal Spring MVC controllers and make sure your Thymeleaf templates reference one of the provided layouts (currently default and transactional layouts for internet use. Intranet templates haven't been added, yet).
This makes getting started with CDTS very easy, and your code will not rely on anything from the CDTS library specifically.
Also, since the templates are based on Thymeleaf, they are plain HTML5 by default and require no tags. This makes them much easier to read.
The current version of this library has the artifactId of wet-cdts-spring-boot3-thymeleaf-starter
and the following requirements
For spring boot 1.x / spring 4.x / Java EE / Java 7 minimum, please use use the artifact wet-cdts-spring-boot-thymeleaf-starter
that's found under the
thymeleaf2 branch.
maven install
1) Add the starter to your projects POM file.
2) Add the WETTemplateInterceptor to your applications list of interceptors.
* Web configuration.
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
/** The cdn template interceptor. */
private WETTemplateInterceptor cdnTemplateInterceptor;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
3) Use one of the supplied templates as the basis for your Thymeleaf templates.
<html xmlns:layout="" layout:decorator="layouts/layout">
<title>Page Title</title>
<div layout:fragment="content">
<div>This content will be included in the "content" div of the template.</div>
<div>Language: <span data-th-text="#{lang}">lang</span></div>
<div>This screen, home.html, uses <b>layout:decorator="layouts/layout"</b></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<form action="#" data-th-action="@{#{url.sideMenu}}" method="post">
<button class="btn btn-primary" name="sideMenuButton" type="submit">See Side Menu Page</button>
Currently the build infa does not allow direct contact to github, so releases will have to be done manually. For tagging in eclipse, see