weta-vn / advance_image_picker

Flutter plugin for selecting multiple images from the Android and iOS image library, taking new pictures with the camera, and edit them before using such as rotating, cropping, adding sticker/filters.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
111 stars 51 forks source link
android flutter flutter-camera flutter-image-picker flutter-images-picker flutter-multiple-images-picker flutter-package flutter-picker image image-picker ios


Flutter plugin for selecting multiple images from the Android and iOS image library, taking new pictures with the camera, and edit them before using such as rotating, cropping, adding sticker/filters.

This is an advanced version of image_picker plugin.

Key Features

Apps using this package

1. freemar.vn - Shopping app for Vietnamese

Google Play App Store

2. trainghiem.vn - Find places to have fun, find places to experience!

Google Play App Store

3. Henoo - Heritage in your pocket (Le patrimoine dans la poche)

Google Play App Store

Demo & Screenshots

Youtube Demo Link



This plugin requires dart version 2.16.1 or later


Add these settings to the ios/Runner/Info.plist

<string>Can I use the camera please?</string>
<string>Can I use the mic please?</string>
<string>App need your agree, can visit your album</string>

Modify TOCropViewController version in snapshot (ios/Podfile.lock) to 2.6.1

TOCropViewController (2.6.1)


Change the minimum Android sdk version to 21 (or higher), and compile sdk to 31 (or higher) in your android/app/build.gradle file (refer example project).

compileSdkVersion 31
minSdkVersion 21

Change kotlin version to 1.5.21 or later in your android/build.gradle file (refer example project).

ext.kotlin_version = '1.5.21'

Add activity and uses-permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml, just like next.

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />


Add to pubspec

  advance_image_picker: $latest_version

Import dart code

import 'package:advance_image_picker/advance_image_picker.dart';

Setting configs & text translate function

// Setup image picker configs (global settings for app)
var configs = ImagePickerConfigs();
configs.appBarTextColor = Colors.black;
configs.stickerFeatureEnabled = false; // ON/OFF features
configs.translateFunc = (name, value) => Intl.message(value, name: name); // Use intl function

// Add plugin's string inside lib/l10n/intl_**.arb of your project to use translation
// For example about english messages, declared inside intl_en.arb
  "app_title": "FreeMar - Share your things",
  "image_picker_exit_without_selecting": "Do you want to exit without selecting images?",
  "image_picker_select_images_title": "Selected images count",
  "image_picker_select_images_guide": "You can drag images for sorting list...",
  "image_picker_camera_title": "Camera",
  "image_picker_album_title": "Album",
  "image_picker_preview_title": "Preview",
  "image_picker_confirm_delete": "Do you want to delete this image?",
  "image_picker_confirm_reset_changes": "Do you want to clear all changes for this image?",
  "image_picker_no_images": "No images...",
  "image_picker_image_crop_title": "Image crop",
  "image_picker_image_filter_title": "Image filter",
  "image_picker_image_edit_title": "Image edit",
  "image_picker_select_button_title": "Select",
  "image_picker_image_sticker_title": "Image sticker",
  "image_picker_image_addtext_title": "Image add text",
  "image_picker_image_sticker_guide": "You can click on below icons to add into image, double click to remove it from image",
  "image_picker_edit_text": "Edit text",
  "suitcase": "Suitcase",
  "handbag": "Handbag",
  "bottle": "Bottle",
  "tie": "Tie",

// Or you can simply write your own translate function like this
// configs.translateFunc = (name, value) => Intl.message(value, name: name);
   configs.translateFunc = (name, value) {
     switch (name) {
       case 'image_picker_select_images_title':
         return 'Le immagini selezionate contano';
       case 'image_picker_select_images_guide':
         return 'È possibile trascinare le immagini per lelenco di ordinamento...';
       case 'image_picker_camera_title':
         return 'Telecamera';
       case 'image_picker_album_title':
         return 'Album';
       // ... Declare all your strings here
         return value;

Sample for adding external image editors.
(You can replace ImageEdit widget by your owned image editor widget, that output file after editing finised)

configs.externalImageEditors['external_image_editor_1'] = EditorParams(
      title: 'external_image_editor_1',
      icon: Icons.edit_rounded,
      onEditorEvent: (
              {required BuildContext context,
              required File file,
              required String title,
              int maxWidth = 1080,
              int maxHeight = 1920,
              int compressQuality = 90,
              ImagePickerConfigs? configs}) async => await Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<File>(
              fullscreenDialog: true,
              builder: (context) => ImageEdit(file: file, title: title, maxWidth: maxWidth, maxHeight: maxHeight, configs: configs)))

Sample for usage

// Get max 5 images
List<ImageObject> objects =
    await Navigator.of(context).push(
            (context, animation, __) {
  return ImagePicker(maxCount: 5);

if (objects.length > 0) {
  setState(() {
        .map((e) => e.modifiedPath)


This software uses the following open source packages:


If this plugin was useful to you, helped you to deliver your app, saved you a lot of time, or you just want to support the project, I would be very grateful if you buy me a cup of coffee.

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