Closed meri-maki closed 10 months ago
can you make the example minimal? I'm not able to reproduce it
@glitch-txs hi! which one you are not able to reproduce?
@glitch-txs i minimized the non-working example at After authorization with zerion/trust, the click on Mint doesn't redirect to app even though the transaction appears in the app
thanks! could you share the repo?
yep last commit here please let me know if there is anything more i can do to resolve this
UPD: forcefully downgrading to "viem": "1.17.2",
brought the redirection back
Hi team! Any news? Will this be fixed in newer versions?
I'm running into a similar if not same issue where useSignMessage does not redirect to MM onClick.
@meri-maki both your "read" and "non working read" both do not open the redirect "Open in blank" for me on mobile IOS. Is the read version working for you? It fires the request, so if I manually swip over to the app its there. However, if I don't have the app open in the background I have to re-trigger the request
Downgrading did now work in my case.
@htadeusiak thank you for pointing out that the examples do not work (it worked though) The reason might be that vercel builds project on server while in my production project it's build locally
However the issue remains and I hope we will get a fix The older version is a temporary fix, and I would love to use newer viem but if redirect is not fixed I would need to build additional UI so the user is not lost
Same problem with MetaMask since it upgraded a new version in July. User has to manually switch to wallet app and switch back to browser after signed.
@htadeusiak thank you for pointing out that the examples do not work (it worked though) The reason might be that vercel builds project on server while in my production project it's build locally
However the issue remains and I hope we will get a fix The older version is a temporary fix, and I would love to use newer viem but if redirect is not fixed I would need to build additional UI so the user is not lost
@meri-maki could you kindly tell me with which older versions this works for you?
I also have the problem, using these versions:
"@web3modal/wagmi": "3.3.2", "viem": "1.19.1", "wagmi": "1.4.6",
I tried using following older versions and the redirect doesn't work either:
"@web3modal/wagmi": "3.1.0", "viem": "1.17.2", "wagmi": "1.4.5",
@remibeaufils for me it works with
"viem": "1.17.2", "wagmi": "1.4.5", "@web3modal/wagmi": "^3.1.0",
I use viem
as a separate chunk and this chunk hasn't changed in weeks, if i remove it and build project again, redirect tops working
"use strict";(this.myApptooncoinweb=this.myApptooncoinweb||[]).push([[28],{6553:(e,a,t)=>{t.d(a,{normalize:()=>s});var r=t(912);function s(e){return(0,r.Q6)(e)}},4571:(e,a,t)=>{t.d(a,{offchainLookup:()=>g,offchainLookupSignature:()=>w});var r=t(3218),s=t(1159),n=t(9146),o=t(4745);class c extends n.G{constructor({callbackSelector:e,cause:a,data:t,extraData:r,sender:s,urls:n}){super(a.shortMessage||"An error occurred while fetching for an offchain result.",{cause:a,metaMessages:[...a.metaMessages||[],a.metaMessages?.length?"":[],"Offchain Gateway Call:",n&&[" Gateway URL(s):",>` ${(0,o.Gr)(e)}`))],` Sender: ${s}`,` Data: ${t}`,` Callback selector: ${e}`,` Extra data: ${r}`].flat()}),Object.defineProperty(this,"name",{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:"OffchainLookupError"})}}class d extends n.G{constructor({result:e,url:a}){super("Offchain gateway response is malformed. Response data must be a hex value.",{metaMessages:[`Gateway URL: ${(0,o.Gr)(a)}`,`Response: ${(0,s.P)(e)}`]}),Object.defineProperty(this,"name",{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:"OffchainLookupResponseMalformedError"})}}class l extends n.G{constructor({sender:e,to:a}){super("Reverted sender address does not match target contract address (`to`).",{metaMessages:[`Contract address: ${a}`,`OffchainLookup sender address: ${e}`]}),Object.defineProperty(this,"name",{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:"OffchainLookupSenderMismatchError"})}}var u=t(6929),i=t(4796),f=t(632),p=t(230),h=t(3408),b=t(7644),m=t(9450);const w="0x556f1830",y={name:"OffchainLookup",type:"error",inputs:[{name:"sender",type:"address"},{name:"urls",type:"string[]"},{name:"callData",type:"bytes"},{name:"callbackFunction",type:"bytes4"},{name:"extraData",type:"bytes"}]};async function g(e,{blockNumber:a,blockTag:t,data:n,to:o}){const{args:w}=(0,i.p)({data:n,abi:[y]}),[g,k,O,x,G]=w;try{if(!function(e,a){if(!(0,h.U)(e))throw new p.b({address:e});if(!(0,h.U)(a))throw new p.b({address:a});return e.toLowerCase()===a.toLowerCase()}(o,g))throw new l({sender:g,to:o});const n=await async function({data:e,sender:a,urls:t}){let r=new Error("An unknown error occurred.");for(let n=0;n<t.length;n++){const o=t[n],c=o.includes("{sender}")||o.includes("{data}")?"GET":"POST",l="POST"===c?{data:e,sender:a}:void 0;try{const t=await fetch(o.replace("{sender}",a).replace("{data}",e),{body:JSON.stringify(l),method:c});let n;if(n=t.headers.get("Content-Type")?.startsWith("application/json")?(await t.json()).data:await t.text(),!t.ok){r=new u.Gg({body:l,details:(0,s.P)(n.error)||t.statusText,headers:t.headers,status:t.status,url:o});continue}if(!(0,m.v)(n)){r=new d({result:n,url:o});continue}return n}catch(e){r=new u.Gg({body:l,details:e.message,url:o})}}throw r}({data:O,sender:g,urls:k}),{data:c}=await(0,r.R)(e,{blockNumber:a,blockTag:t,data:(0,b.zo)([x,(0,f.E)([{type:"bytes"},{type:"bytes"}],[n,G])]),to:o});return c}catch(e){throw new c({callbackSelector:x,cause:e,data:n,extraData:G,sender:g,urls:k})}}}}]);
There might be something in there that make the redirection magic happen :)
This is likely an upstream issue. Check out Wagmi v2 to see if it's still present.
This issue has been locked since it has been closed for more than 14 days.
If you found a concrete bug or regression related to it, please open a new bug report with a reproduction against the latest wagmi version. If you have any other comments you can create a new discussion.
Is there an existing issue for this?
Package Version
Current Behavior
I have a production project on react with build made 2 weeks ago I'm using wagmi hooks and web3modal for connection and mint (
)Few days ago we wanted to have a small update to the website, but after the new build was made, the automatic redirection to wallet app on mobile stopped working (click on button with
) this redirection:It's really strange because even if I copy working branch and make new build - it stops working correctly
I've tried: removing all logic and reproducing super minimal version, updating all packages to the newest, downgrading again ONLY the files from old build works
I have a test project that is similar to my prod This version is updated, with new build and the redirection doesn't work ---> This version is old, with old build and same logic and here is works --->
Expected Behavior
should cause a popup with 'redirect' options and it worked fine until recentlyi'm not sure if it's wagmi issue or something with WalletConnect
I would really appreciate an advice bc I've been trying to fix this for 3 days now....
The repo is It stopped working after this commit
Steps To Reproduce
On mobile, IOS preferably To see the Expected behavior:
To see the Current behavior:
Link to Minimal Reproducible Example (StackBlitz, CodeSandbox, GitHub repo etc.)
Anything else?
works, I can see the notification in my wallet