wevm / wagmi

React Hooks for Ethereum
MIT License
5.79k stars 968 forks source link
dapp ethereum hooks react typescript viem wagmi web3

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Reactive primitives for Ethereum apps

Version MIT License Downloads per month Best of JS Code coverage

--- ## Documentation For documentation and guides, visit [wagmi.sh](https://wagmi.sh). ## Community For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable: [Discuss Wagmi on GitHub](https://github.com/wevm/wagmi/discussions) For casual chit-chat with others using the framework: [Join the Wagmi Discord](https://discord.gg/SghfWBKexF) ## Contributing Contributions to Wagmi are greatly appreciated! If you're interested in contributing to Wagmi, please read the [Contributing Guide](https://wagmi.sh/dev/contributing) **before submitting a pull request**. ## Sponsors If you find Wagmi useful or use it for work, please consider [sponsoring Wagmi](https://github.com/sponsors/wevm?metadata_campaign=gh_readme_support). Thank you 🙏 paradigm logo

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