wewillcraft / crafty-theme

Crafty theme for the Hugo static site generator.
MIT License
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Crafty Theme

Gitpod ready-to-code

Clean hand-crafted theme for Hugo.


Branch set up

$ git branch
main             # the main development branch where all pull requests will be merged to
gh-pages         # the branch that GitHub pages will serve the files from
id-your-feature  # additional development branches for new features


  1. Install Hugo on your machine.
  2. File a new issue for the feature you want to work on.
  3. From the main branch, create a new branch for your feature, (ideally) using id-your-feature as the format.
  4. Work on your feature.
  5. Once everything is good, push your commits and create a new pull request to main.

Via Gitpod

  1. Install the Gitpod browser extension.
  2. File a new issue for the feature you want to work on.
  3. Click the newly added Gitpod button on the issue you created.
  4. Work on your feature.
  5. Once everything is good, push your commits and create a new pull request to main.



npm install

# run development server
npm run start

# build for prod
npm run build

Hugo server:

# locally
hugo server \
  --source "./exampleSite" \
  --destination "../public" \
  --themesDir "../.." \

# via gitpod
hugo server \
  --baseUrl $(gp url 1313) \
  --appendPort=false \
  --source "./exampleSite" \
  --destination "../public" \
  --themesDir "../.." \



This theme uses Utterances for the comments. Follow the configuration instructions to install the app to your repository.

Add the following to your config.toml:

  repo = "repo-owner/comments-repo-name"
  theme = "preferred-color-scheme"
  issueTerm = "pathname"
  issueNumber = ""
  issueLabel = ""
attribute description choices default
repo The repository that Utterances will use. ""
theme Choose an Utterances theme that matches your blog. "github-light", "github-dark", "github-dark-orange", "icy-dark", "dark-blue", "photon-dark", "preferred-color-scheme" "github-light"
issueTerm Choose the mapping between blog posts and GitHub issues. See description of each value below. "pathname", "url", "title", "og:title", "" "pathname"
issueNumber You configure Utterances to load a specific issue by number. You can use this instead of issueTerm. Note that issues are not automatically created. ""
issueLabel The label that will be assigned to issues created by Utterances. ""

Values for issueTerm

If a matching issue is not found, Utterances will automatically create one the first time someone comments on your post.

Disabling comments for a specific page

Add the following to your front matter:

disableComments: true


This releases under the MIT License.