wfdebutts / redistricter

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DEPENDENCIES: C++ compiler Java 2.5+ Python 2.4+ png library zlib compression library google protocol buffers *


There's no ./configure because autoconf is hard. :-(

Instead, Makefile includes makeopts/uname.pre early on to set variables. See the Darwin and Linux examples.

So, if you're lucky, all you have to do is: make

There is no make install because this is a tool for an experimenter. The binaries just live here where they're compiled.

If you want to leave makeopts/* alone, create a file localvars.make which gets included after that and before anything else. A good place to put your own settings.

MAC OS Notes:

makeopts/Darwin.pre Defaults to compiling for ppc (32 bit) and x86_64. For development it's probably better to pick just your architecture and enable the -MMD flag which emits good dependency information that gnumake can use.


Make a directory, which I traditionally call "data", to hold the Census data. ./ ga

The '' script can be used to repeatedly run one or more states. ./ --port=8080 ga

The --port argument is optional, but runs a handy HTTP server on that port (e.g. http://localhost:8080/ ) which nicely displays status and results.

Lots of other options are available on both ./ and ./ and there is --help available for them.

then build, C, Java, and optionally python

make make check sudo make install cd java/src/main mkdir classes cd java protoc --proto_path=../../../../src ../../../../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto --java_out=. find . -name *.java | xargs javac -d ../classes cd ../../.. jar cvf protobuf.jar -C src/main/classes com

or you can use maven

cd java

mvn test

mvn install

mvn package

cd ../python python test python install