wfurphy / creative-button-card-templates

Button Card templates for Home Assistant dashboards
MIT License
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button-card home-assistant lovelace-cards templates


Creative Button Card Templates

A collection of Button Card templates to improve the build speed and quality of your Home Assistant lovelace dashboards.

Template Samples using Noctis theme

Examples above are shown in the default dark theme however they should work for most themes. They might require a couple of tweaks here and there. I prefer the excellent Noctis theme (Check the "See Noctis example..." section below)

See Noctis example...

_Here are the same samples using the [Noctis theme]( ![Template Samples using Noctis theme](images/cbc-samples-noctis.png)

See the YAML...

This is the code used to create the examples in the gif above. Some entity names omitted, of course. ```yaml # - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card # ####| Title - Tab & Icon |####> template: title name: Creative Button Card Templates icon: mdi:cards-outline - type: grid square: false columns: 2 cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card # ####| Action. Button |####> template: button_action entity: timer.test_timer name: Action Button - type: custom:button-card # ####| Title - Devices |####> template: title name: Devices icon: mdi:cellphone-link styles: icon: - height: 110% - type: custom:button-card # ####| Device |####> template: device entity: switch.sample name: Device icon: mdi:tumble-dryer - type: custom:button-card # ####| Device - Attributes |####> template: device entity: switch.sample name: Device icon: mdi:nuke variables: attributes: - id: voltage icon: mdi:alien state: '1x ' units: Attribute - type: custom:button-card # ####| Plug |####> template: plug entity: switch.sample name: Smart Plug - type: grid square: false columns: 2 cards: - type: custom:button-card # ####| Title - Lights |####> template: title name: Lights icon: mdi:lamps styles: card: - margin-top: 40px - type: custom:button-card # ####| Light |####> template: light entity: light.sample name: Light - type: custom:button-card # ####| Light - Motion |####> template: light_motion entity: light.sample name: Light & Motion variables: motion_entity: binary_sensor.sample - type: custom:button-card # ####| Light Group |####> template: - light_group entity: light.sample name: Light Group variables: items: - entity: light.sample symbol: mdi:stairs icon: mdi:home - entity: light.sample symbol: C - entity: light.sample icon: mdi:lightbulb-spot symbol: 8 - type: vertical-stack # #########################| COLUMN |#####################> cards: - type: horizontal-stack # ####| Mini Buttons |####> cards: - type: custom:button-card template: title name: "Mini Buttons" icon: mdi:arrow-right - type: custom:button-card # ####| Button Mini DND |####> template: - button_mini - dynamic_icons color_type: card color: "#9d3042" entity: input_boolean.sample variables: icon: mdi:bell icon_on: mdi:bell-off width: 70px - type: custom:button-card # ####| Button Mini Power |####> template: button_mini icon: mdi:power entity: switch.sample variables: width: 70px - type: custom:button-card # ####| Value Strips |####> template: title name: Value Strips icon: mdi:led-strip - type: grid columns: 2 square: false cards: - type: custom:button-card # ####| Brightness Strip |####> template: - value_strip variables: type: brightness show: icon: false value: true entity: light.sample - type: custom:button-card # ####| Brightness Strip |####> template: - value_strip variables: type: adaptive_lighting al_area_id: den show: icon: true value: true - type: custom:button-card # ####| Brightness Strip |####> template: - value_strip - transparent variables: type: adaptive_lighting al_area_id: den show: icon: true value: false - type: custom:button-card # ####| Blinds Strip |####> template: - value_strip entity: cover.den_blinds variables: type: cover show: icon: true value: true fade: false items: - value: 0 icon: mdi:blinds units: '%' label: close - value: 25 icon: mdi:blinds units: '%' - value: 50 icon: mdi:blinds-open units: '%' - value: 75 icon: mdi:blinds-open units: '%' - value: 100 icon: mdi:blinds-open units: '%' label: open - type: horizontal-stack # ####| Info Cards |####> cards: - type: custom:button-card template: title name: Info Cards icon: mdi:information-outline - type: custom:button-card # ####| Info Mini |####> template: - info_mini - transparent variables: state: 99 units: win icon: mdi:trophy - type: custom:button-card # ####| Info x 3 |####> template: - info variables: items: - entity_id: sensor.sample name: Custom Color color: '#e04632' decimals: 2 - entity_id: cover.den_blinds attribute: current_position units: 'ATTRIBUTE ' prefix_units: true - icon: mdi:lightbulb-variant name: No Entity state: 'Custom' - type: custom:button-card # ####| Info x 4 Transparent |####> template: - info - transparent variables: items: - entity_id: sensor.sample name: Rounding decimals: 0 - icon: mdi:cash name: Currency state: '47.3' units: '$' color: "#00b59d" - entity_id: sensor.sample name: "Sensor" color: "#febe6e" - entity_id: input_number.air_circulation_frequency name: Custom Icon icon: mdi:clock-outline - type: horizontal-stack # ####| Info Minis |####> cards: - type: custom:button-card # ####| Spin |####> template: - transparent - info_mini entity: cover.den_blinds variables: attribute: current_position units: 'SPIN' state: '↻' spin: true icon_color: 'rgba(247, 138, 80, 0.2)' icon: mdi:fan - type: custom:button-card # ####| Inline |####> template: - info_mini - transparent entity: cover.den_blinds icon: mdi:chart-pie variables: icon_color: 'rgba(157, 48, 66, 0.4)' layout: inline attribute: current_position units: '%' - type: custom:button-card # ####| Background |####> template: - info_mini entity: input_number.air_circulation_frequency icon: mdi:clock-time-nine-outline - type: custom:button-card # ####| Mirror Title |####> template: title name: Info Mini icon: mdi:arrow-left variables: mirror: true # ... ```

"What card are you using for that? I want to use that on mine!"

I made this repo for my friends who were asking me the above question. If you're someone else who's managed to stumble accross them then hello and you're welcome to use them. I'll try to keep them maintained for a little while but I am planning on making a proper frontend integration with UI configuration in the future. If you like them then please send your kudos to @RomRider and everyone who contributed to Button Card which is the only reason these templates were possible.


You will need to ensure you have the following components installed. They are both available on HACS.


The very first step is to ensure you have Button Card installed and working in home assistant. These templates are not going to work without it! You may notice, as I have, that it hasn't been maintained in some time. However, it all appears to be working perfectly still (Last Checked HA 2022.10.4). Perhaps if issues arise I will finally have to bite the bullet and develop my own custom card.

:raising_hand_man: If you plan to further extend these templates or create your own then it is essential that you read the button-card documentation. In fact, I recommend you read it regardless.


I've used card-mod for a few tweaks here and there. It's required for most decent custom cards and themes anyway so you may have it already.



If you are using your lovelace dashboards in yaml mode (Recommended):

  1. Open a terminal on your Home Assistant host and navigate to the config directory where you keep your ui-lovelace.yaml, in hassOS this is usually /config.

  2. Clone this repository:

     git clone
  3. Include the following snippet before the other contents of your ui-lovelace.yaml. If you've used a custom directory then obviously replace creative-button-card-templates/ with a relative path to your chosen installation directory.

     ############| Creative Button Card Templates |#################################################>
     ##| Will Furphy |
     button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named creative-button-card-templates/

Storage (UI) Mode

If you're using storage mode (or editing your dashboards using the UI):

  1. Open a Terminal window and navigate to anywhere you'd like to keep the files then run the following 3 lines:

     git clone
     cd creative-button-card-templates
     echo 'button_card_templates:' > cbc.yml && cat */*.yaml *.yaml | sed -n '/^ *#/!p' | sed -n '/^ *$/!p' | sed 's/^/  /' >> cbc.yml
  2. Open cbc.yml in your chosen text editor, select all and copy the entire contents to the clipboard.

  3. Open a browser and navigate to your Home Assistant dashboard.

  4. Click the three dots in the top right corner and choose Edit Dashboard.

  5. Click three dots again and choose Raw Configuration Editor.

  6. On the first line before any other content, paste the copied text from cbc.yml.

  7. Click Save and close the raw configuration editor.

Using the Templates

:raising_hand_man: This is all going to make much more sense to you if you have read the button-card documentation.

To use the templates simply specify the template property in your button-card yaml. For most you'll need to specify your entity (although some don't need it, like title). This is all you need for a light card:

type: custom:button-card
template: light
entity: light.bedside_lamp
# ...

You can use multiple templates and/or addons by defining them as a list in the template property. Define the template(s) first then the addons.

type: custom:button-card
 - light
 - transparent
entity: light.bedside_lamp
# ...

Of course, it's still possible to customise things like name and icon or other properties available in button-card. Any properties you specify will override the template properties. For example, if I wanted to use a name and icon other than the ones specified in the entity for this light:

type: custom:button-card
template: light
entity: light.bedside_lamp
name: Front Door Light
icon: mdi:lamp
# ...

:raising_hand_man: Some properties are used to provide the features of the template and overriding them will break the functionality. For example the device and light cards make use of the label property. However, they should only be one's you are unlikely to use. If you have one that's not working, go and check out the template YAML and check if you're overriding anything vital!


The templates allow you to set most options via the variables property. You only ever define one variables property, just include any variables from any of the templates or addons that you've specified. Here's an example for a device card with a custom width, 1 attribute and dynamic icons:

type: custom:button-card
  - device
  - dynamic_icons
entity: switch.something
  width: 200px
    - id: that_attribute
      icon: mdi:plus
  icon: "mdi:wifi"
  icon_on: "mdi:wifi-star"
  icon_unavailable: "mdi:wifi-cancel"
# ...


Title (title)


It's what it says on the tin. Title is created from the name property and supports an optional icon. It has an automatic width and so you can put things next to it in a horizontal stack and you can mirror it so it goes right-to-left if you need. Examples of these variations can be seen in the image at the beginning of this README.

Title Variables

Variable Values Default Description
color String (CSS) var(--primary-background-color) The color of the icon
background_color String (CSS) var(--state-icon-color) The color of the background
mirror Boolean false Run right-to-left instead of left-to-right

Title Example YAML

See the YAML...

```yaml type: custom:button-card template: title name: Title for Hotdogs icon: mdi:hotdog variables: color: var(--primary-background-color) background_color: var(--state-icon-color) mirror: false ```

Landscape Button (button_landscape)

This template serves as the base template for the device and light templates. You probably won't need to use it yourself until you step up to the advanced Through it's configuration and addons which it inherits it has features to reduce the card size and opacity if the entity is unavailable, hide the label containing extra information (like attributes or brightness and color for lights) when the entity is off, highlight elements when you hover over it to show it's interactive, set a max-height and include the standard set of actions.

:raising_hand_man: _Remember if a template inherits an addon you can just use those variables to change the properties when using this template. For example; a card with only the button_landscape template specified can accept the width and height variables from the resizable addon. This is the case for all templates and addons. Also inheritance is recursive so if a template inherits another template it also inherits that templates inherited templates right back through the chain. So when you use the light template you get all of the options listed here as well._

Landscape Button Inherits

Landscape Button Variables

Variable Values Default Description
off_hide_info Boolean true Hides the Extra Information or label (eg. brightness and color on lights or the attributes on devices) when the entity is off. Set to false if you wish to display this content while the entity is off. Keep in mind that some attributes are not available when an entity's state is off.

Action Button (button_action)


The Action button is for Automation, Scripts or Timers. It has an animated icon while running and it shows the last run time when idle. You can customise the name property which defaults to "Start" and you can also specify a different name while it's running using the name_on variable which defaults to "Cancel".

If you define a timer as the entity then a tap will start the timer and while active it will show the time remaining and you can tap again to cancel the timer. If you provide a Script or Automation entity that starts a timer in it's actions/sequence then you can use the timer variable to specify the timer and it will be shown when active, even if the Script/Automation is finished/idle. It will show until the timer runs out or you can double tap to cancel the timer.

Action Button Inherits

Action Button Variables

Variable Value Type Default Description
timer timer.* A timer entity that is started by your script. Not required if your entity is already a timer.
icon_on mdi:* mdi:stop Set a custom icon for while the script/timer is running. Inherited from dynamic_icons. You can use the card icon property to change the default icon (mdi:play).
name_on String Cancel Set a custom name for while the script/timer is running. You can use the card name property to change the default name (Start).

Action Button Example YAML

See the YAML...

```yaml - type: custom:button-card #### Action Script with Timer ####> template: button_action entity: script.test_script name: Script with Timer variables: height: 50px timer: timer.test_timer triggers_update: timer.test_timer - type: grid square: false columns: 2 cards: - type: custom:button-card # #### Action Timer ####> template: button_action entity: timer.test_timer name: Start Timer variables: height: 45px name_on: Cancel Timer - type: custom:button-card template: button_action entity: script.test_script_2 # #### Action Script ####> name: Start Script variables: height: 45px name_on: Stop Script ```

Mini Button (button_mini)


This is a little button which only displays an icon with the option of defining a single text character or another icon as a symbol which will display in front of the main icon. These are great for in a horizontal-stack next to the title to control a group or for things like Do Not Disturb (DND) toggles. Of course you can use them for whatever you need. I nearly always add dynamic_icons to them.

:raising_hand_man: _The first button in the examples is using the button-card color_type property set to card. Check out all the [button-card options here]_(

Mini Button Inherits

Mini Button Variables

Variable Values Default Description
symbol Single Character String OR mdi:* A single character of text or an icon to identify the light
symbol_width String (CSS) 50% Only applies if the symbol is an icon (mdi:*). Adjust if the symbol doesn't fit
symbol_font_size String (CSS) 10pt Only applies if the symbol is a string. Adjust if the symbol doesn't fit
symbol_color String (CSS) var( --ha-card-background, var(--card-background-color, white) ) Set a custom symbol color

Mini Button Example YAML

See the YAML...

_See examples of symbol usage in the [`light_group` section](#light-group-light_group)._ ```yaml - type: custom:button-card # ####| Button Mini DND |####> template: - button_mini - dynamic_icons color_type: card color: "#9d3042" entity: input_boolean.do_not_disturb variables: icon: mdi:bell icon_on: mdi:bell-off width: 70px - type: custom:button-card # ####| Button Mini Power |####> template: button_mini icon: mdi:power entity: switch.all_things variables: width: 70px ```

Device (device)


For any entity which has on/off state. It can optionally display up to 2 attributes from the entity with custom icons, values and units.

:raising_hand_man: _If you don't know what attributes are available on your entity you can use the more-info dialogue or check out the entity_details template_

Device Inherits

Device Variables

Variable Value Type Default Description
attributes Array of Attribute Items [] A list of up to 2 Attribute Item objects. See Attribute Item below for available properties.
attribute_icon_color String (CSS) Set a custom color for the attribute icons.

Attribute Item

Property Value Type Default Description
id entity.attributes.* The id of the attribute to display eg. friendly_name. Required
icon mdi:* The icon to use for the attribute.
units String The unit of measurement (if required) for the attribute value.
prefix_units Boolean false When true units will appear before the value.

Device Example YAML

See the YAML...

```yaml type: custom:button-card template: device entity: switch.wmd_activate name: Device icon: mdi:nuke variables: attributes: - id: voltage icon: mdi:alien units: Attribute ```

Smart Plug (plug)


Intended for use with smart plugs which have energy metering attributes. Add the smart plug entity and you're good to go.

Plug Inherits

Plug Extra information

Plug Example YAML

See the YAML...

```yaml type: custom:button-card template: plug entity: switch.smart_plug name: Smart Plug ```

Light (light)


For use with light entities. Just specify the entity and the template should do the rest of the work for you. The icon color is set to auto so will mimic the current color of the light. This is a button-card feature and it uses the --button-card-light-color css variable

Light Inherits

Light Extra Information

When there is not an effect running:

Light with Motion Sensor (light_motion)


For use with light entities which are controlled by a motion or occupancy sensor. Shows the extra information of the light as well as when occupancy/motion is or was last detected. You specify the light entity for the card and then the sensor in the motion_entity variable. The automation for activating the light must already be configured. This button does not provide an automation.

Light Motion Inherits

Light Motion Variables

Variable Values Default Description
motion_entity binary_sensor.* The entity_id of the motion/occupancy sensor which activates the light in your automation.

Light Motion Example YAML

See the YAML...

```yaml type: custom:button-card template: light_motion entity: light.my_light variables: motion_entity: binary_sensor.my_motion_sensor ```

Light Group (light_group)


For use with small light groups (up to 6) like multi-globe lamps. Specify a light group and you can have up to 6 separate lights with custom icons and symbols all controlled on one card. The main card controls the group and each individual light can be controlled from an embedded button_mini.

If you're feeling lazy then just specify the light group entity and up to the first 6 lights from the group will be automagically added to the card for you with lightbulb icons and numbered 1-n. Alternatively you can specify the list of lights manually and control the icons and symbols that are used.

Light Group Inherits

Light Group Variables

Variable Values Default Description
items Array of Light Items [] A list of up to 6 lights to display. See the Light Item table below for available properties.

Light Item

Property Values Default Description
entity light.* The entity_id of the light Required
icon mdi:* mdi:lightbulb The icon for the light.
symbol Single Character String OR mdi:* A single character of text or an icon to identify the light
symbol_width String (CSS) 50% Only applies if the symbol is an icon (mdi:*). Adjust if the symbol doesn't fit
symbol_font_size String (CSS) 10pt Only applies if the symbol is a string. Adjust if the symbol doesn't fit
symbol_color String (CSS) var( --ha-card-background, var(--card-background-color, white) ) Set a custom symbol color

Light Group Example YAML

See the YAML...

```yaml #... - type: custom:button-card # ####| Light Group Auto |####> template: - light_group entity: light.light_group name: Light Group Auto - type: custom:button-card # ####| Light Group Custom |####> template: - light_group entity: light.light_group_passage name: Light Group variables: items: - entity: light.stairs symbol: mdi:stairs_left symbol_color: red - entity: light.cabinet_left symbol: C - entity: light.kitchen_left symbol: mdi:pot-steam - entity: light.stairs_right symbol: mdi:stairs - entity: light.cabinet_right symbol: C - entity: light.kitchen_right symbol: mdi:pot-steam ```

Value Strip (value_strip)


Value strips can be used to control anything which has a gradual, numeric value. The most obvious examples are brightness / color of lights, covers position (like blinds and garage doors) or temperature for environmental controls. Let your imagination run wild though, they can be customised and used for anything you like. They give you quick tap access to 5 pre-set values and if the value of an item matches the value of the target then they are set to active and highlighted.

There are two pre-built options, brightness and cover, for you to use which are available by setting the type variable.

Value Strip Variables

Variable Property Values Default Description
type value | brightness | cover value The type of value strip. See Value Strip Types below for descriptions of the available values.
show: ... Object The following properties allow you to enable / disable some of the design features. There's an example of all the options in the image above.
icon Boolean true Show the icon for each value
value Boolean true Show the value text and units for each value
fade Boolean true Fade the items according to their value (best with brightness)
items Array of value strip items See Value Strip Types Define the items in your value_strip. See value strip item below for available properties.

Value Strip Types

Value Strip Item

Property Values Default Description
value Number The value to of this item. Used for the action and for display. Required
icon mdi:* The icon for this item
units String The unit of measurement for the item
prefix String Any text you would like to prefix before the value.
label String If provided the label will be displayed instead of the value
color String (CSS) var(--paper-item-icon-color) The color of the item
active_color String (CSS) var(--button-card-light-color, var(--accent-color)) The color of the item when it is active (it matches the target value)

Value Strip Example YAML

See the YAML...

_These aren't the same as the example images, no need to include too much YAML!_ ```yaml #... - type: custom:button-card # ####| Brightness Strip, Transparent, Only Icons |####> template: - value_strip - transparent variables: type: brightness al_area_id: den show: icon: true value: false - type: custom:button-card # ####| Custom Cover Strip, Icons and Value, No Fade |####> template: value_strip entity: cover.den_blinds variables: type: cover show: icon: true value: true fade: false items: - value: 0 icon: mdi:blinds units: '%' label: close - value: 25 icon: mdi:blinds units: '%' - value: 50 icon: mdi:blinds-open units: '%' - value: 75 icon: mdi:blinds-open units: '%' - value: 100 icon: mdi:blinds-open units: '%' label: open ```

Info Card (info)


The Info card is for displaying entities and their states or attributes. It's great for displaying sensors. You can display up to 4 items in an info card.

Info Inherits

Info Variables

Variable Values Default Description
items Array of Info Items [] A list of up to 4 items. See the Info Item table below for available properties Required
mini Boolean false Display using the info_mini template rather than the info_item one
icon_color String (CSS) var(--state-icon-color, var(--paper-item-icon-color)) Set the color of the icons. This will be overridden by a color set on any individual items.

Info Item

Property Values Default Description
entity_id Any entity The entity_id of the item
attribute entity.attributes.* The id of any attribute of the entity specified above. If provided the value of the attribute will be used rather than the entity state.
state String Providing this will completely override the entity_id and attribute states and display this string instead. You don't need to specify an entity_id if you use this.
units String The entity attribute unit_of_measurement Set a custom unit of measurement for the displayed value
prefix_units Boolean false Display the units in front of the value rather than after. Automatically true for $ and units
decimals Number Round the value to the specified number of decimal places (0 for a whole number). Automatically 2 for $ and units
name String The entity friendly_name or the attribute name Set a custom display name for the item
icon mdi:* The entity icon The icon for the entity.
color String (CSS) variables.icon_color Set a custom color for the icon

Info Example YAML

See the YAML...

```yaml # ... - type: custom:button-card # ####| Info x 3 |####> template: info variables: items: - entity_id: sensor.temperature name: Custom Color color: '#e04632' decimals: 2 - entity_id: cover.blinds attribute: current_position units: 'ATTRIBUTE ' prefix_units: true - icon: mdi:lightbulb-variant name: No Entity state: 'Custom' - type: custom:button-card # ####| Info x 4 Transparent |####> template: - info - transparent variables: items: - entity_id: sensor.temperature name: Rounding decimals: 0 - icon: mdi:cash name: Currency state: '47.3' units: '$' color: "#00b59d" - entity_id: sensor.battery name: "Sensor" color: "#febe6e" - entity_id: input_number.some_counter name: Custom Icon icon: mdi:clock-outline ```

Mini Info (info_mini)


Displays the icon and state of an entity only. Good for displaying information next to a title in a horizontal-stack. You can choose between stack and inline layouts for the state and units. Specify the entity and optionally icon properties then the other options are in variables.

Mini Info Variables

Variable Values Default Description
layout stack | inline stack stack will show the state with units underneath and inline shows the state followed by the units.
attribute entity.attributes.* The id of any attribute of the entity specified above. If provided the value of the attribute will be used rather than the entity state.
state String Providing this will completely override the entity and attribute states and display this string instead.
units String The entity attribute unit_of_measurement Set a custom unit of measurement for the displayed value
prefix_units Boolean false Display the units in front of the value rather than after. Automatically true for $ and units
decimals Number Round the value to the specified number of decimal places (0 for a whole number). Automatically 2 for $ and units
icon_color String (CSS) var(--state-icon-color, var(--paper-item-icon-color)) Set a custom color for the icon

Mini Info Example YAML

See the YAML...

```yaml # ... - type: custom:button-card # ####| Spin |####> template: - transparent - info_mini entity: cover.den_blinds variables: attribute: current_position units: 'SPIN' state: '↻' spin: true icon_color: 'rgba(247, 138, 80, 0.2)' icon: mdi:fan - type: custom:button-card # ####| Inline |####> template: - info_mini - transparent entity: sensor.percentage icon: mdi:chart-pie variables: icon_color: 'rgba(157, 48, 66, 0.4)' layout: inline attribute: current_position units: '%' - type: custom:button-card # ####| Background |####> template: info_mini entity: input_number.some_time icon: mdi:clock-time-nine-outline ```


You can use any addon by including it after your template in a list as shown in the example above. Addons with a star (*) are included in most button templates already.

Actions (actions)*

The actions addon will add the toggle action for single tap and more-info action for hold and double tap as well as the haptic success for the iOS app. It's included in most of the button templates by default.

No Actions (no_actions)

The no_actions addon does the opposite of above. It removes the standard functionality and sets your card to have no actions.

Dynamic Icons (dynamic_icons)

The dynamic_icons addon will add functionality to the card which will change the icon dependant on the state of the entity. It works for all entities that have an "on" and "off" state.

:raising_hand_man: If you just want to have a static custom icon for your card then it's easiest just to populate the icon property.

Dynamic Icon Variables

Variable Values Default Description
icon mdi:* mdi:wifi The icon to display when the entity is off.
icon_on mdi:* mdi:wifi-star The icon to display when the entity is on.
icon_unavailable mdi:* mdi:wifi-cancel The icon to display when the entity is unavailable.

Resizable (resizable)*

The resizable addon allows you to use height and width variables to define the size of the card (some templates have min or max sizes set though). It's added to most button templates already so you only need to include the variables to set a custom size for your card.

Resizable Variables

Variable Values Default Description
height String (CSS) per card The height of the card in any CSS accepted value. Eg 40px or 90%
width String (CSS) per card The width of the card in any CSS accepted value. Eg 40px or 90%

Transparent (transparent)

The transparent addon will make the background of your card transparent, remove it's box-shadow and border. I find this looks great with value_strip and info_mini templates but you can use it on any you like.

Advanced Usage

If you've poked around the files or read any of the Inherits lists you will notice . They were ones that I used in creation of the templates but you won't need them unless you're making your own templates or advanced changes. I'll document them soon but in the interest of actually getting this release out I'm going to assume if you're doing advanced stuff you can check them out and use them accordingly.

_A special mention for debug and entity_detail which are included below._


When added to a card's template list debug will write a console.debug() containing objects that can help you figure out what's happening. So in your browser inspector console you can see the button-card (this), the variables and the entity objects. It comes in handy if things aren't working. If you're going to submit a issue on GitHub you'll need to be able to get this info. Remember to set the level of your browser console to All so you can see the debug messages._

Detailed Entity Information (entity_detail)

Mostly used for creating and debugging the templates this card displays the full properties and attributes of an entity in a table.

entity_detail card


Massive thanks to @RomRider and everyone who contributed to Button Card which is the only reason these templates were possible.