wggb / wiki-website

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Video Demo: https://youtu.be/JnTWxK1tgcs


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WikiNest is an advanced wiki platform designed to harness the power of semantic search and graph databases. Unlike traditional wikis that rely solely on keyword matching, WikiNest provides users with a richer, more contextually relevant search experience.

Key Features:
  1. User Registration and Authentication: Users can securely register and log in to WikiNest, ensuring personalized experiences and data security.
  2. Interactive Dashboard: Accessible via the navigation bar, the dashboard empowers users to seamlessly add documents of interest directly to the database.
  3. Semantic Search Capability: At the heart of WikiNest is its semantic search engine. When users enter a query, the system doesn't just match keywords; it understands the context and meaning behind the query. This ensures more accurate and contextually relevant search results.
  4. Graph Database Abstraction: WikiNest abstracts SQL behind a graph interface to mimic graph databases in order to establish relationships between documents. When a user accesses a particular document, WikiNest showcases related documents, providing a comprehensive view of interconnected information.
  1. Knowledge Exploration: The graph database integration promotes exploration by presenting related documents, allowing users to delve deeper into topics of interest.
  2. Personalized Interaction: With the ability to add documents to the database, users can curate content tailored to their needs, enhancing their overall experience.
Project File Structure and Description:
  1. database:

    • Uses SQLAlchemy to interact with and store models in the database.
  2. graph_sql:

    • A wrapper around the database that abstracts it as a graph database.
  3. graph:

    • Implements a graph data structure for performing algorithms. It's capable of handling weighted graphs and automatically dropping edges below a specified threshold.
  4. fast search:

    • Implements or uses TF-IDF and Sentence BERT for document retrieval.
    • Contains classes: FastSearchMethod for individual methods and MixedFastSearchMethod that combines TF-IDF and Sentence BERT.
    • Overcame challenges with long document searches by adjusting the weight of TF-IDF based on the target document's size.
    • Wraps these methods in a FastSearch class.
    • Capable of preprocessing and computing similarity matrices of documents, as well as finding top-relevant documents to a given query.
  5. app.py:

    • Manages web app route redirections, including functionalities for user registration, login, adding new documents, and navigation.
  6. Other files for production and libraries:

    • scripts/dev.py: Runs yarn dev.
    • static folder: Contains generated CSS and JS file bundles.
    • templates folder: Includes HTML files:
      • 404
      • apology
      • dashboard: Allows users to add new documents with title, primary, and secondary content.
      • index: Home page where users can submit search queries.
      • layout
      • login
      • register
      • result: Page displaying individual documents with related documents listed at the bottom.
      • results: Displays top search results.
    • Other miscellaneous files:
      • imports.js
      • imports.styles.js
      • main.css
      • package.json
      • Pipfile
      • postcss.config.cjs
      • rollup.config.js
      • search_engine.py
      • tailwind.config.js