wgilpin / recruitment-ascee

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Add many for alliances bugs #460

Closed mcgibbon closed 5 years ago

mcgibbon commented 5 years ago

Add many for alliances results disappear when adding one. Should be able to add many all at once, both by not having the results disappear. Can test with

Pandemic Horde
Brothers of Tangra

Also the "add all" button is currently unresponsive.

Neni: http:/

/prntscr.com/nkexnh http://prntscr.com/nkf0cv second screenshot shows that there is an event on the + button || which works http://prntscr.com/nkf0ym third screenshot no event shown for the add all button

mcgibbon commented 5 years ago


chrome does not let me click the button, there are no additional events in the inspector on either the + x add all button (chrome sux)