wgilpin / recruitment-ascee

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Running the app


Login via eve. If you are a recruiter you can stop at the scopes page - no need to give us scopes. Then we can add you as a recruiter.

The codebase

/server is the node backend

/client/src is the react frontend. Ignore the other files in /client

Getting started:

  1. You'll need the app engine datastore keys to run it live, or your own service account on GAE in this project.

  2. cd /server

    npm install

    python main.py


  1. cd /client

    yarn install

    yarn build

The front end url is /app

Running Front End tests

cd /client

yarn test

How to migrate the db

The migrations folder should already exist, as created by flask db init.

To update the migration state, run

python manage.py db migrate

Review the new file created in migrations/versions, and ensure the upgrade steps that were auto-generated are accurate.

Then run

python manage.py db upgrade

Loading test data

The file e2e_data.template.py should be copied locally to e2e_data.py. This file is gitignored as it will contain your account refresh tokens which you don't want in the repo!

To get your tokens: set the environent variable export ASCEE_SHOW_TOKENS=True (or windows equivalent)

run the local server in /server python main.py

open the app and log in, allowing scopes requested http://localhost:8080/app

in the the lauch terminal look for TOKEN and you'll see the character ID and refresh token for the logged in user.

Add these to e2e_data.py Note you should add 3 characters for full testing, one as recruiter, one as applicant, one as admin Make them different characters.

Once done, stop the server (if running) and run in /server/tests python e2e_tests.py

This weill start the server with all the test accounts loaded, so you try the roles depending who you log in as via http://localhost:8080/app

Running on Heroku

  1. create a Eve ESI application (https://developers.eveonline.com/)

  2. Create Heroku app

  3. Install Heroku CLI app (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli)

  4. Install Postgres following the instructions (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgresql#local-setup) (NOTE: windows users, make sure to add the "/bin" folder to the path)

  5. Follow the bottom deploy instruction under "Deploy using Heroku Git" (Existing Git repository)

  6. Add Config vars:

  7. For Postgres data, duplicate the heroku tab and go to Overview, click on "Heroku Postgres" under installed addons Click settings on the new window and then click View Credentials. Take the info to the right of the bolded word shown below

  8. Click Open app and Auth

  9. In the heroku Postgres tab, go to "Dataclips"

  10. Create a Dataclip called "Get Characters" Add the line to the scratch pad:

    select * from character
  11. save and run

  12. Open up a terminal and type "heroku login" and follow the prompt onscreen

  13. next type "heroku pg:psql -a " replacing with the heroku app name that you gave when you created the app

  14. next type

    insert into recruiter (id, is_senior) values (<ID>, True);

Replacing both \<ID>'s with the ID found on the Dataclip from before (It should have YOUR Eve character name)


Landing Wireframe Applicant Wireframe Recruiter Wireframe Admin Wireframe